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Bird reports for July 2011

Waterford bird records July 2011 (details subject to verification or correction)
older records - archive

July 2011
Check here for updates or  further details, also see Seawatch summaries.
Breeding Bird Atlas: click here for species lists and maximum breeding status by 10-km square based on 2008-2010 records; any records that will help update these are needed (up to 31st July 2011).
Sun 31 July :
KILMEADEN POOLS:  Wood Sandpiper.
Nr AGLISH:  Barn Owl at 22:20.
Sat 30 July :
KILMEADEN POOLS:  Wood Sandpiper (video) & Green Sandpiper.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  7 Common Sandpipers at Pickardstown & 4 at Clohernagh.
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  Whooper/Mute Swan hybrid & Swan Goose hybrid.
DUNGARVAN:  2 Mediterranean Gulls (adult & 1st-wummer) at Barnawee, 3 Common Sandpipers at Killongford Bridge.
Fri 29 July :
Weds 27 July :
RAM HEAD:  2 large shearwaters (probably Cory's) E, 200+ Manx Shearwaters & 3 Porpoises
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Garden Warbler.
Tues 26 July :
Nr KILMEADEN:  Adult Long-eared Owl found dead (road casualty) on N25 - see photos.
SEAFIELD:  Green Sandpiper.
BUNMAHON:  Kingfisher.
RAM HEAD:  Total breeding failure (no chicks or recent fledglings) at the Kittiwake colony, from 108 occupied nests counted in June.
Sun 24 July :
CROHAUN:  3 Long-eared Owls.
HELVICK HEAD:  2 Puffins W (seawatch 17:35-18:35).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Storm Petrel W, 18 Common Scoters E, immature Great Northern Diver & 140+ Manx Shearwaters feeding, & a Porpoise (seawatch 09:25-10:55); also a Tree Sparrow.
Sat 23 July :
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  2 CORY'S SHEARWATERS, 2nd-summer Pomarine Skua & juvenile Mediterranean Gull W, 720 Manx Shearwaters, Arctic Skua, Great Skua, 2 adult Roseate Terns, 3 divers & 3 Common Scoter E (seawatch 06:45-10:45); also 2 Tree Sparrows, a Common Lizard & a Hummingbird Hawk-moth.
DUNGARVAN:  SPOONBILL again at Killongford.
HELVICK HEAD:  4 Common Scoter W.
Thurs 21 July :
Nr VILLIERSTOWN:  Barn Owl heard.
SEAFIELD:  Green Sandpiper again.
Weds 20 July :
CARRIGNAGOUR (nr Lismore):  Long-eared Owl chick calling tonight.
SEAFIELD:  Green Sandpiper.
Tues 19 July :
CARRIGNAGOUR (nr Lismore):  Long-eared Owl chick calling tonight.
SEAFIELD:  Green Sandpiper.
DUNMORE EAST:  A colour-ringed adult Kittiwake on a ledge at Outer Harbour today (metal over green left, blue over orange over white right) had been ringed as a chick on 6 July 2004 at Goulien, Finistere, Brittany in France and had nested at another Finistere colony in 2008-2009.
Mon 18 July :
DUNGARVAN:  2 Mediterranean Gulls (adult & 1st-summer) at Barnawee.
LISMORE:  Crossbills in wood behind Ballyrafter.
DROMANA:  Crossbills
Sun 17 July :
DUNGARVAN:  3 Mediterranean Gulls at Barnawee (1st-summer & 2 adults including '3H97'), 6 Common Sandpipers at Ballyneety & 3 at Killongford.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  c140 Sandwich Terns at Ballinattin.
Sat 16 July :
ARDMORE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at harbour.
HELVICK HEAD:  Storm Petrel.
DUNGARVAN:  9 Common Sandpipers at Ballyneety & 1 at Killongford.
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper.
BALLINLOUGH: Water Rail calling.
Fri 15 July :
HELVICK HEAD:  3 Porpoises, 1-2 Storm Petrels, a Great Skua E (later W) & 6 Puffins (2 on sea & 4 W including one carrying fish) (c3 hrs seawatching afternoon/evening).
Weds 13 July :
DUNGARVAN:  SPOONBILL at Killongford, 8 Common Sandpipers at Barnawee.
Tues 12 July :
DUNGARVAN:  16 Common Sandpipers at Ballyneety.
Mon 11 July :
RAM  HEAD:  2 Sooty Shearwaters, 300 Manx Shearwaters, a Black Guillemot, 7 Porpoises & a Bank Vole.
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  Grasshopper Warblers & male Hen Harrier.
MONAVULLAGH MOUNTAINS:  Snipe drumming at Ballintlea.
Sun 10 July :
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  Grasshopper Warbler nr Bael Loch, Crossbills above Ballysaggart, & a male Hen Harrier elsewhere.
DUNGARVAN:  SPOONBILL & 6 Common Sandpipers at Killongford, 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Barnawee.
HELVICK HEAD:  Sooty Shearwater on sea & a Puffin west (seawatch 16:40-17:15).
Nr NEW ROSS (Co Wexford):  Greater White-toothed Shrew found dead at Ballagh, Adamstown.
Sat 9 July :
Off HELVICK HEAD:  8 Common Scoter, 6 Pomarine Skuas, Great Skua, Storm Petrel, 500+ Manx Shearwaters & a Minke Whale seen from boat.
ARAGLIN HILLS:  Pair of Crossbills & 3 Jays in Cahergal forest, a Dipper just south of Araglin village.
Fri 8 July :
Nr BALLYMACARBRY:  Spotted Flycatcher.
DUNGARVAN:  Common Sandpiper at Killongford, 11 at Ballyneety, adult Mediterranean Gull opposite Park Hotel, & 4 Whimbrel opposite Sports Centre.
Thurs 7 July:
HELVICK HEAD:  2 Storm Petrels & 3 Puffins (seawatch 19:15-20:00).
CLONEA STRAND: 10 Mediterranean Gulls at Ballinclamper (2 adults, 2 2nd-summers, 1 1st-summer & 5 juveniles) including returning darvic-ringed adult '3H97' (ringed Denmark 2005).
DUNGARVAN:  1st-summer Mediterranean Gull  at Barnawee.
Weds 6 July:
HELVICK HEAD:  Balearic Shearwater, 4 Storm Petrels, Great Skua, 3 Arctic Skuas & a Puffin west (seawatch 20:45-21:30).
CLONEA STRAND: 4 Mediterranean Gulls at Ballinclamper (3 juveniles & a metal-ringed 2nd-summer).
DUNGARVAN:  1st-summer Mediterranean Gull  at Barnawee.
BALLYQUIN STRAND (nr Ardmore):  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
Non-Waterford news:  Large numbers of Cory's Shearwaters off south Cork coast  this evening - 1200+ off Galley Head, 121 off Ballycotton, 101 off Seven Heads (twitter.com/corkbirdnews).
Tues 5 July:
CLONEA STRAND:  A record Co Waterford count of 16 Mediterranean Gulls at Ballinclamper (6 adult, 3 1st-summer & 7 juvenile). Also a colour-ringed juvenile Black-headed Gull (white26DO left leg) that had been ringed at Hosehill Lake, west Berksire, England on 4 June (still present there 30 June, so crossed to Clonea, 422 km west, in no more than 5 days).
DUNGARVAN:  3 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Barnawee.
Mon 4 July:
Nr MOUNT CONGREVE (River Suir):  Water Rail calling & a seal species (probably Common Seal).
Sun 3 July:
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS (Co Tipperary):  c12 Crossbills in various woods just over border, also a Greater White-toothed Shrew found dead.
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper
Sat 2 July:
CLONEA STRAND:  2 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Ballinclamper, Common Sandpiper at Ballinard.
Fri 1 July:
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper.
TRAMORE:  2 Clouded Yellow butterflies at the sandhills.

.click below for larger images

Wood Sandpiper, Kilmeaden Pools, 30 July 2011 © M Cowming

see also youtube video (MC)



Garden Warbler snaffling plums, Brownstown Head, 27 July 2011 © P Archer


Preliminary breeding distribution 2008-2011 @ 27 July 2011 (Atlas bird of the day)

Still some records of Buzzard pairs or other probable breeding evidence to be added but only one or two records of confirmed breeding submitted to date for Co Waterford.

Red Squirrel, west Waterford, 25 July 2011 © J Hearne

see also video footage on youtube



Preliminary breeding distribution 2008-2011 @ 24 July 2011 (Atlas bird of the day)

Still some time to add any records of Long-eared Owl chicks (fledglings) heard calling in late July or August

Swifts, Carrickbeag, 14 July 2011 © D Clarke

carrying unidentified large insect(?)

Hen Harrier, male, Knockmealdown Mountains, 10 July 2011 © A Malcolm


Hen Harrrier & young Pheasants, 10 July 2011 © A Malcolm


Choughs, Whiting Bay, 10 July 2011 © A Malcolm

Kestrel, Whiting Bay, 10 July 2011 © A Malcolm

Sanderling, adult summer, Whiting Bay, 10 July 2011 © A Malcolm

Mediterranean Gull, adult, Ballinclamper, 5 July 2011 © M Cowming

Mediterranean Gull, juvenile, Ballinclamper, 5 July 2011 © M Cowming

Mediterranean Gull, 1st-summer, Ballinclamper, 5 July 2011 © M Cowming

Crossbill, male, Knockmealdown Mountains, 3 July 2011 © A Malcolm

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599.

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