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Waterford Birds www.waterfordbirds.com


Waterford Birds
Welcome to the Waterford Birds website,which aims to provide comprehensive up-to-date and archival information on the birds of County Waterford (Ireland).  See main menu (above) for detailed contents or below for latest news etc.
Please email any notable sightings to reports (at) waterfordbirds.com or tweet to @watbirds (but Direct Message for sensitive species locations), and also consider contributing records to BirdTrack, the National Biodiversity Records Centre, and the Irish Whale & Dolphin Group

Hoopoe © D Weldon

LATEST HIGHLIGHTS (see Recent reports  & https://twitter.com/watbirds):
OSPREY, West Waterford, 25 July 2024.
BLACK-THROATED DIVER, Ferry Point, 1 July.
QUAIL, Comeragh Mountains, 16 June.
GOLDEN ORIOLE, Drum Hills., 3 June
HOBBY, east Waterford, 1 June.
HOBBY, Helvick Head, 27 May.
LESSER WHITETHROAT, Waterford Greenway, 19 May.
Yellow Wagtail, Brownstown Head, 17 May.
2 CETTI’S WARBLER’S, undisclosed (new) location, 17 May.
Female MARSH HARRIER, undisclosed location, 17 May.
HOBBY, undisclosed location, 15 May.
AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER, Tramore Backstrand, 9 May.
HOOPOE, Brownstown Head, 9 May.
BEARDED REEDLING, undisclosed location, 5 May.
First Spotted Flycatcher of year, Annestown, 27 Apr.
BLACK-THROATED DIVER, Clonea Bay, 19-26 Apr.
LESSER SCAUP, Knockaderry Reservoir, 18 Jan to 20 Apr.
First Whitethroat of year, Swines Head, 20 Apr.
Up to 8 CATTLE EGRETS, Ballynaclash, Blackwater Valley, 26 Jan to 19 Apr.
First Reed Warbler of year, Ballyscanlon, 19 Apr.
First Sedge Warbler of year, Lisselan, Tramore, 19 Apr.
OSPREY, Blackwater Valley, 18 Apr.
Yellow Wagtail, Clonea, 18 Apr.
First Cuckoo of year, Brownstown Head, 17 Apr.
GREEN-WINGED TEAL, Bunmahon, 12-17 Apr.
BLACK KITE (1st county record), Lisselan, Tramore, 16 Apr.
First Common Swifts of year, Tramore & Ardmore, 14 Apr.
First Grasshopper Warbler & Arctic Tern of year, 13 Apr.
First House Martins of year, N of Lismore, 7 Apr.
First Willow Warblers of year, Dungarvan & Helvick Head, 27 Mar.
First Swallows of year, Cappoquin, 21 Mar.
First Sand Martins of year, Ballyshunnock Reservoir, 18 March.
Male MARSH HARRIER, West Waterford, 19 Feb to 15 Mar.
First Wheatear of year, Whiting Bay, 11 Mar.
BLACK-THROATED DIVER, Dungarvan / Helvick, 3-7 Mar.
RING-NECKED DUCK, Knockaderry Reservoir, 25 Feb & 7 Mar.

Guide to bird sites in Waterford
Where to Watch ... Waterford Coast
For a copy of this article, published in the autumn 2008 issue of BirdWatch Ireland's Wings magazine, click below:



Irish birding lists online: BUBO.org.
Find a grid reference:  See www.gridreference.ie/, zoom & click location on map - useful when reporting sightings.

Woodcock © A McNeill

Black Kite © D Weldon

Bird species added to Co Waterford list annually 1970-2023

Waterfordbirds on Twitter:  A Twitter news service (waterfordbirds @watbirds) is available for rapid circulation of bird news highlights for the county . See also brownstownbirds @brownstownbirds for Brownstown Head sightings.

BirdTrack App:   For details of the free BirdTrack app for Android & iPhone, click here. All records are available to local/county bird recorders if you select that option when registering for BirdTrack (please do!).


Bird records - general request for sightings:  The website compilers are always interested in sightings - not just of scarcer migrant or winter visitors, but also counts or confirmed breeding records of commoner species.  Of particular value are sightings of uncommon residents like Barn Owl (precise breeding locations of sensitive species will not be published online or elsewhere).  In addition to any records included on the website, all records will be added to a larger database of Waterford sightings, to help with ongoing assessment of local bird status (see What to report?).  Please email (to reports at waterfordbirds.com) any sightings (recent or from any year), or digital photos, to the website compilers.  We would also encourage you to sign up and contribute records to the online BirdTrack recording scheme covering Ireland and Britain

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