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Bird reports Jan-Feb 2009

Waterford bird records January-February 2009 (details subject to verification or correction)
older records - archive

February 2009
Last updated 9 March 2009
Sat 28 Feb:
HELVICK:  Adult Iceland Gull & 1st-winter Glaucous Gull.
DUNGARVAN:  Adult BLACK BRANT at the Cunnigar, 2 adult dark-bellied Brent nr the sports centre, Whimbrel at Knockanpower.
CLODIAGH RIVER (nr Portlaw):  Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper & Kingfisher.
BALLYSHUNOCK RESERVOIR:  Male Shoveler & 4 Great Crested Grebes.
Fri 27 Feb:
Weds 25 Feb:
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  CATTLE EGRET between Ballyduff & Lismore.
WATERFORD CITY:  2 Kingfishers & 17 Mute Swans on St John's River near Scotch Quay.
Tues 24 Feb:
DUNGARVAN:  Adult BLACK BRANT & 3 Long-tailed Ducks (male & 2 females) off Cunnigar tip.
HELVICK:  1st-winter Iceland Gull.
Sun 22 Feb:
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  156  Whooper Swans (143 east of, 13 west of Ballyduff).
HELVICK:  1st-winter Iceland Gull.
CLONEA STRAND:  6+ Red-throated Divers.
Sat 21 Feb:
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  7+ Red Grouse & 5 Woodcock nr Knockadav.
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  Female Goosander, 2 CATTLE EGRETS, 5 Little Egrets & a Common Sandpiper at Ballyroan East, Ballyduff.
Nr VILLIERSTOWN:  2 Dippers at Kilmolash bridge, Merlin at Clashnadarriv.
Nr CLASHMORE:  4 CATTLE EGRETS at Ballycrompane.
DUNGARVAN:  3 Long-tailed Ducks (male + 2 females) at Ballynacourty.
CLONEA STRAND:  Whimbrel & 6 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
BALLYDWAN BAY:  Great Northern Diver & 18 Red-throated Divers.
BUNMAHON:  9 Red-throated Divers.
KNOCKMAHON to KILMURRIN COVE:  47 Red-throated Divers.
Fri 20 Feb:
DUNGARVAN:  3 BLACK-NECKED GREBES nr Ballynacourty pier.
Thurs 19 Feb:
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 698 Brent Geese, an adult dark-bellied Brent, 3 Long-tailed Ducks & 184 Knot; also a ringtail Hen Harrier at Lisselan & a Merlin at Kilmacleague.
TRAMORE BAY:  5 Red-throated Divers & 1 Great Northern Diver.
GARRARUS:  9 Red-throated Divers & a Black Guillemot.
KILFARRASY:  14 Red-throated Divers.
ANNESTOWN:  12 Red-throated Divers.
Weds 18 Feb:
WATERFORD CITY:  Barn Owl seen c1030 pm.
Mon 16 Feb:
WATERFORD CITY:  10+ Waxwings again in St Herblain Park; 56 Snipe flew west over King's Channel.
HELVICK:  3rd-winter Iceland Gull.
WHITING BAY: 2 1st-winter Glaucous Gulls; large mixed flock of Tree Sparrows, House Sparrows & Chaffinches at Ballysallagh.
RINCREW:  Iceland Gull, 3 Glaucous Gulls & 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls on Waterford side of Tourig estuary.
Sun 15 Feb:
BRICKEY CANAL:  2 Kingfishers & 2 Chiffchaffs.
DUNGARVAN:  2nd-winter Glaucous Gull at Ballyneety.
WATERFORD CITY:  Female Blackcap at Ballinakill Downs.
WATERFORD HARBOUR (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 125 Brent Geese (123 at Woodstown shellfish trestles), 10 Great Crested Grebes & 462 Black-tailed Godwits.
Sat 14 Feb:
DUNMORE EAST:  9 Purple Sandpipers.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  4 Long-tailed Ducks (3 males) & a dark-bellied Brent Goose at Saleen.
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  35 Whooper Swans & 4 Shoveler.
DERRIGAL:  14 Whooper Swans & 9 Greylag Geese.
BUNMAHON:  Glaucous Gull (probably 1st-winter).
DRUMLOHAN (nr Stradbally):  2 CATTLE EGRETS.
STRADBALLY COVE:  Red-throated Diver & 2 Dippers.
BALLYVOYLE COVE:  2nd-winter Glaucous Gull.
CLONEA STRAND:  14 Red-throated & 14 Great Northern Divers.
BALLINARD:  Whimbrel & adult dark-bellied Brent Goose.
DUNGARVAN HARBOUR:  3 Long-tailed Ducks (1 male).
Thurs 12 Feb:
WATERFORD CITY:  Waxwing flocks seen in three gardens today, in Grange Heights (c12 birds) and later St Herblain Park (11+, possibly 15 birds) and St John's Park (4 birds).  Also a male Blackcap all winter, St Herblain Park, plus a female on several dates.
Tues 10 Feb:
HELVICK:  Adult Iceland Gull.
BRICKEY RIVER:  MerlinGreen Sandpiper, Kingfisher & 3 Chiffchaffs along the canal.
DUNGARVAN:  2 Common Sandpipers at Barnawee, Long-tailed Duck, Black Guillemot & Otter at Cunnigar point.
Mon 9 Feb:
CLONEA STRAND:  2 Little Gulls (adult & 1st-winter) & adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper.
DUNGARVAN town:  2 female Blackcaps.
Sun 8 Feb:
WATERFORD CITY:  Male Blackcap.
Sat 7 Feb:
KILWATERMOY, nr Tallow: Woodcock.
KNOCKANORE:  Woodcock.
NEWPORT EAST: 2 Merlin & 10 Fallow Deer.
Nr CLASHMORE:  5 CATTLE EGRETS at Ballycrompane
DUNGARVAN:  3 BLACK-NECKED GREBES & a Black Guillemot in bay, adult Ring-billed Gull at Ballynagaul, Blackcap in garden at Kilmurray.
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult dark-bellied Brent Goose & 1st-winter Little Gull.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Flock of 80 Snipe.
Thurs 5 Feb:
Nr WHITING BAY:  22+ Tree Sparrows at Ballysallagh.
ARDMORE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
HELVICK PIER:  4 Little Gulls (1st-winter & 3 adults).
DUNGARVAN:  4 adult Little Gulls at Ballynagaul, adult Glaucous Gull at Poulapoucha, Ring.
Weds 4 Feb:
BALLINARD:  7 Little Gulls.
CLONEA STRAND:  14 Choughs at Ballinclamper.
Tues 3 Feb:
DUNGARVAN:  3 adult Little Gulls at Ballynagaul.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Great Northern Diver at Saleen, Kingfisher at Clohernagh.
Mon 2 Feb:
BALLYNACOURTY POINT (Dungarvan/ Clonea):  8 Little Gulls (7 adults & a 1st-winter) off the lighthouse.
HELVICK HEAD:  6 adult Little Gulls (different from above though at same time).
Sun 1 Feb:
Nr CLASHMORE:  4 CATTLE EGRETS at Ballycrompane, Great Northern Diver off Clashmore Broads.
WHITING BAY:  Great Northern Diver.
ARDMORE:  2 Little Gulls (adult & 1st-winter).
HELVICK:  Female Eider.
DUNGARVAN town:  Female Blackcap.

January 2009
Last updated 6 March 2009
Sat 31 Jan:
DUNGARVAN:  BLACK-NECKED GREBE off the Gold Coast, Jack Snipe & 2 Glaucous Gulls (2nd- & 4th-winter) at the Cunnigar.
TIBBERAGHNY (Co Kilkenny):  2 Pink-footed Geese, 185 Greylag Geese, 36 Whooper Swans & 8 Little Egrets.
COOLFIN/DERRIGAL:  9 Greylag Geese & 12 Whooper Swans.
Fri 30 Jan:
Nr CLASHMORE:  2 CATTLE EGRETS at Ballycrompane.
DUNGARVAN town:  25 Siskins in garden.
Tues 27 Jan:
Nr CLASHMORE:  4 CATTLE EGRETS at Ballycrompane (same location as 8 birds last winter).
DUNGARVAN:  Adult Mediterranean Gull (a ringed bird) at Barnawee.
Mon 26 Jan:
Nr THOMASTOWN (Co Kilkenny):  An estimated 100,000+ Starlings seen going to roost.
DUNMORE EAST:  Night-roost of 100+ House Sparrows just north of the Inner Harbour Kittiwake colony.
Sun 25 Jan:
HELVICK HEAD:  2 Iceland Gulls (adult & 1st-winter).
DUNGARVAN town:  Black Redstart at Kilrush Industrial Park (inside shop at Curran's Hardware!), female Blackcap in garden.
BALLYLEMON:  Female Blackcap in garden.
CLONEA STRAND:  7+ Great Northern Divers at Ballinclamper.
Sat 24 Jan:
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 830 Brent Geese, a Great Northern Diver & 140 Grey Plover.
CORBALLY:  260 Chaffinches in stubble fields.
Thurs 22 Jan:
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 7 Great Northern Divers, 3 BLACK-NECKED GREBES (inside Cunnigar tip), 1370+ Brent Geese, 2 adult dark-bellied Brent (at pitch & putt course) & a Kingfisher (at Cunnigar base); also 16 Siskin & a Goldcrest at garden feeders in town.
CLONEA STRAND:  Whimbrel & 9 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper, 43 Sanderling Ballinard / Ballinclamper, 2 Red-throated & 19 Great Northern Divers.
Tues 20 Jan:
Nr BELLE LAKE:  Short-eared Owl seen recently.
Mon 19 Jan:
RATHMOYLAN:  150+ Skylarks in stubble fields & a Chiffchaff.
Sun 18 Jan:
DUNGARVAN:  Adult dark-bellied Brent Goose off pitch & putt course; 12 Siskins, a Lesser Redpoll & a Goldcrest at garden feeders in town.
BALLINARD:  Adult dark-bellied Brent Goose & 2 Whimbrel.
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult Mediterranean Gull & 4 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
Sat 17 Jan:
HELVICK HEAD:  Female Eider.
DUNGARVAN:  3 BLACK-NECKED GREBES in bay, 3 Crossbills at Gold Coast golf-course.
CLONEA STRAND:  3 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
Tues 13 Jan:
Mon 12 Jan:
DUNGARVAN:  3 BLACK-NECKED GREBES & 3 Long-tailed Ducks off Gold Coast and Abbeyside prom, BLACK BRANT off pitch & putt, & 15 Siskins at a garden in town.
Sat 10 Jan:
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  3 CATTLE EGRETS, a female Goosander and a Common Sandpiper at Scartnacrooha, c1 mile W of Ballyduff; 2 Jays at the Towers, nr Lismore.
BLACKWATER VALLEY:  Jay at Knockanore, male Tufted Duck at Dromana.
Nr WHITING BAY:  Flock of Tree Sparrows (>5) at Ballysallagh.
CLONEA STRAND:  6 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
Fri 9 Jan:
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Total of 695 Brent Geese.
Weds 7 Jan:
DUNGARVAN:  2 Slavonian Grebes off Abbeyside church & 7 Shoveler near sports centre.
Tues 6 Jan:
Mon 5 Jan:
Nr STRADBALLY:  2 CATTLE EGRETS at Drumlohan Coss Roads.
BUNMAHON:  3 Porpoises.
Nr ANNESTOWN:  CATTLE EGRET at Kilcannon, Dunhill.
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Ring-billed Gull & 3 Scaup.
Sun 4 Jan:
ARDMORE BAY / RAM HEAD:  17 Red-throated Divers
RAM HEAD:  3 Fin Whales & a Porpoise.
CLONEA STRAND:  4 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper, also 3 Tufted Duck flew past and 2 Red-throated Divers on the sea.
Sat 3 Jan:
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Ring-billed Gull, adult argentatus-race Herring Gull (1, possibly 2), 3 Scaup (male + 2 females), female Gadwall; also a Black Redstart nearby.
DERRIGAL/COOLFIN:  11 Whooper Swans nr Derrigal Cross Roads; 2 Green Sandpipers at Clodiagh Bridge.
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  6 Gadwall & 9 Shoveler.
DUNGARVAN:  Great Northern Diver & 23 Great Crested Grebes off Ballynacourty Pier.
BRICKEY RIVER:  Green Sandpiper just below Twomile Bridge.
BUNMAHON:  Female Common Scoter.
Fri 2 Jan:
Nr STRADBALLY:  3 CATTLE EGRETS again present at Drumlohan Coss Roads.
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  Red Grouse & female Hen Harrier.
DUNGARVAN:  Red-throated Diver in bay.
Thurs 1 Jan:
KNOCKMEALDOWN MONTAINS:  Red Grouse & 5 Woodcock, Ballysaggart area.
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  84 Whooper Swans.
CROSSERY (nr Knockanore):  11 Yellowhammers & 10 Stock Doves.
WHITING BAY:  5 Tree Sparrows at Ballysallagh.

.click below for larger images

Iceland Gull, adult, Helvick, 28 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Glaucous Gull, 1st-winter, Helvick, 28 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Dark-bellied Brent Goose, adult (right), Dungarvan, 28 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Black Brant, adult, the Cunnigar, 28 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Iceland Gull, 1st-winter, Helvick, 24 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Kestrel, Ballinclamper, 24 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Reed Bunting, male, Ballinclamper, 24 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Waxwings, St Herblain Park, Waterford city, 16 Feb 2009 © B Brennan


Glaucous Gull, 2nd-winter, Dungarvan, 15 Feb 2009 © F O'Connell

Cattle Egrets, Drumlohan, 14 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Whooper Swans, Ballyshunnock Reservoir, 14 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Kingfisher, Brickey canal, 14 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Siskin, female, Dungarvan town, 14 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Waxwing, St Herblain Park, Waterford city, 12 Feb 2009 © P Tubbritt

Waxwings, St Herblain Park, Waterford city, 12 Feb 2009 © Breda Brennan

Iceland Gull, adult, Helvick, 10 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Green Sandpiper, Brickey canal, 10 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

wintering Chiffchaff, Brickey canal, 10 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Grey Wagtail, Brickey canal, 10 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Long-tailed Tit, Dungarvan, 8 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Black-necked Grebes, Dungarvan, 7 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Gadwall, Tramore boating lake, 7 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Wigeon, Tramore boating lake, 7 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Snipe (part of flock of 80), Tramore, 7 Feb 2009 © D Clarke


Buzzard, Blackwater valley, 4 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Little Gull, adult, Ballinard, 4 Feb 2009 © D Clarke

Little Gull, adult, Helvick, 2 Feb 2009 © F O'Connell

Little Gull, adult (2nd/3rd-winter?), Helvick, 2 Feb 2009 © C Flynn

Cattle Egrets, Ballycrompane, 1 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Eider, female, Helvick, 1 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Glaucous Gull, 4th-winter, the Cunnigar, 1 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Glaucous Gull, 2nd-winter, the Cunnigar, 1 Feb 2009 © M Cowming

Iceland Gull, adult, Helvick, 25 Jan 2009 © D Clarke

Iceland Gull, 1st-winter, Helvick, 25 Jan 2009 © D Clar

Blackcap, female, Dungarvan, 25 Jan 2009 © M Cowming

Great Northern Diver, Helvick, 25 Jan 2009 © D Clarke

Greenshank, the Cunnigar, 25 Jan 2009 © D Clarke

Blackcap, female, Ballylemon, 25 Jan 2009 © B Lynch

Crossbill, female, Dungarvan, 17 Jan 2009 © M Cowming

Goldcrest at fat-ball feeder, Dungarvan, Jan 2009 © F O'Connell

Ring-billed Gull, adult, Tramore boating lake, 3 Jan 2009 © M Cowming

Herring Gull, argentatus subspecies,Tramore boating lake, 3 Jan 2009 © M Cowming

Cattle Egret, Annestown, 3 Jan 2009 © M Cowming

Cattle Egret, Drumlohan, 2 Jan 2009 © D Clarke

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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