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Bird records January-March 2006

Waterford bird records, January-March 2006

March 2006
Fri 31 Mar:
CLONEA STRAND:  16 Choughs.
WATERFORD CITY:  40 Pied Wagtails roosting in plane tree opposite the Tower Hotel.
Mon 27 Mar:
WATERFORD CITY:  Swallows seen today.
Sun 26 Mar:
DUNGARVAN:  Red-necked Grebe close inshore at Ballynacourty pier.
BALLYSCANLAN WOOD:  Partial albinistic Blackbird.
Sat 25 Mar:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Male Wheatear.
DUNGARVAN:  4 Brambling in town, Common Sandpiper (early arrival?) at Barnawee.
Fri 24 Mar:
DUNGARVAN:  Slavonian Grebe off Ballynacourty, 2 Sandwich Terns off the pitch & putt course.
CLONEA STRAND:  3 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
Thurs 23 Mar:
WATERFORD CITY:  A Snow Bunting joined a flock of finches & Reed Buntings in a garden at St John's Park today.
BALLYRAFTER WOODS, LISMORE:  Crossbills here all week.
Weds 22 Mar:
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  An early Sandwich Tern at Saleen.
FENOR BOG: 3+ Crossbills.
ANNESTOWN: Scandinavian Rock Pipit (littoralis subspecies).
DUNGARVAN:  Black Redstart along old railway line at Barnawee.
Mon 20 Mar:
CARRIGANORE:  20+ Snipe on bank of River Suir.
DUNGARVAN:  5 Brambling in town.
Sun 19 Mar:
DUNGARVAN:  1st-winter Forster's Tern still present off Barnaweee, Red-necked Grebe off Ballynacourty pier, 4 Brambling in town.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Whimbrel (early migrant?).
Sat 18 Mar:
DUNGARVAN:  1st-winter Forster's Tern off Abbeyside/Barnawee; 3 Bramblings in town.
Fri 17 Mar:
DUNGARVAN:  1st-winter Forster's Tern, Slavonian Grebe & Red-necked Grebe off the Gold Coast (Ballynacourty pier); an early Wheatear at Abbeyside beach.
BALLINARD:  Black Redstart.
BALLYVOYLE:  Whimbrel & Otter.
Thurs 16 Mar:
WATERFORD CITY:  4 Waxwings, St John's Park.
Weds 15 Mar:
KILMEADEN POOLS:  2 Water Pipits (just beginning to moult) and a Water Rail.
WATERFORD CITY:  5 Waxwings, St John's Park.
Nr TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  2 Yellowhammers on road.
Tues 14 Mar:
DUNGARVAN:  Slavonian Grebe still present off Ballynacourty pier, also an early Swallow & 2 Black Guillemots there.
CLONEA/BALLINARD:  14 Red-throated & 9 Great Northern Divers; Whimbrel & Black Redstart at Ballinard.
BALLYVOONEY COVE:  4 Red-throated & 3 Great Northern Divers, 2 Black Guillemots.
BUNMAHON:  5 Red-throated & 2 Great Northern Divers.
Sat/Sun 11/12 Mar:
WATERFORD CITY:  7 or 8 Waxwings in Cleaboy area.
Sun 12 Mar:
DUNGARVAN:  Slavonian Grebe, apparently the first record here since the 1999/2000 winter.
Sat 11 Mar:
RIVER BRICKEY (Two-mile Bridge to Knockmaon Bridge), nr Dungarvan:  3 Kingfishers, a Dipper & a Jay.
BALLYSCANLAN HILLS:  20+ Crossbills.
Mon 6 Mar:
WATERFORD CITY:  c.40 Waxwings at the Cork Road.
Sun 5 Mar:
Nr TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Red Kite still present (further east from original Pickardstown location).
Fri 3 Mar:
LITTLE ISLAND:  2 Little Egrets, 18 Grey Herons, 61 Wigeon, 190 Dunlin, 2 Jack Snipe & a Kingfisher.
Thurs 2 Mar:
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  Common Sandpiper at Ballyduff, & 185 Whooper Swans, 15 Mute Swans, 500+ Wigeon, 60 Teal, 2 male Shoveler & a Little Egret between Lismore & Ballyduff.

February 2006
BUTLERSTOWN, nr Waterford city:  Female Brambling for 3-4 weeks, also 4+ Siskins recently and a pair of Blackcaps over last few months.
WEST WATERFORD:  Barn Owl seen recently in the Blackwater area.
Sun 26 Feb:
DUNGARVAN town:  6 Bramblings.
Sat 25 Feb:
DUNGARVAN:  7-10 Crossbills at Gold Coast golf course, 4 Bramblings in town.
Nr LISMORE:  Yellowhammer.
Thurs 23 Feb:
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 41 Great Crested Grebes, a Red-necked Grebe, 2 Red-throated divers, 824 light-bellied Brent Geese, adult dark-bellied Brent, adult Black Brant, & a 1st-winter Little Gull.
DUNGARVAN town:  Brambling.
CLONEA STRAND/BALLYNACOURTY POINT:  5 Red-throated Divers, Great Northern Diver, 100 light-bellied Brent, adult dark-bellied Brent, also 2 Common Seals off Ballinard.
BALLYVOONY COVE:  6 Red-throated Divers, 6+ Bottle-nosed Dolphins.
BALLYDWAN:  4 Red-throated & 6 Great Northern Divers.
Sun 19 Feb:
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  2 Whooper Swans, 7 Crossbills.
TRAMORE BAY:  9 Common Scoters, single Red-throated & Great Northern Divers.
Early to mid Feb:
LISMORE/BLACKWATER area:  Crossbills still widespread, including sightings at Ballyrafter Woods (Lismore), Ballyduff town and near Tallow, also the Vee along Waterford/Tipperary border. Also in Lismore area, a male Hen Harrier in in mid Feb, and Jays regular.
Thurs 16 Feb:
DUNGARVAN town:  Male & female Brambling.
Weds 15 Feb:
COOLFIN/DERRIGAL:  273 Greylag Geese & a Pink-footed Goose at Derrigal cross-roads.
KNOCKADERRY RESERVOIR:  4 Whooper Swans, 23 Tufted Duck.
Tues 14 Feb:
WATERFORD CITY:  Crossbill at Lower Grace Dieu.
Sun 12 Feb
CLONEA STRAND:  Chiffchaff & 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull, Ballinclamper.
BALLINARD: (Ballynacourty Pt):  Black Redstart.
DUNGARVAN/HELVICK:  Red-necked Grebe in outer bay, Green Sandpiper & Chiffchaff at Brickey river.
BALLYQUIN (nr Ardmore):  Red-throated Diver, 116 Oystercatcher & 39 Sanderling.
ARDMORE BAY:  5 Red-throated Divers, Great Crested Grebe, 1300 Common Gulls & a 2nd-winter Mediterranean Gull.
WHITING BAY:  2 Little Egrets, 6 Brent Geese, 157 Oystercatcher, 40 Sanderling, 200+ Woodpigeons & 15 Choughs.
CALISO BAY:  3 Red-throated Divers.
Thurs 9 Feb:
DUNGARVAN:  4 Goosanders (male, female & 2 immatures) at Ballyneety bridge.
Sun 5 Feb:
DUNGARVAN:  Red-necked Grebe between Ballynagaul & Helvick, female Goosander at Ballyneety, Chiffchaff at Knockanpower (Ring), 3 Brambling & 30 Siskin in town.
WATERFORD CITY:  5 or 6 Reed Buntings feeding in a garden in St Herblain Park.
Sat 4 Feb:
KILMEADEN POOLS:  Water Pipit & Water Rail.
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  Female or imm Hen Harrier, Whooper Swan & Chiffchaff.
BUNMAHON:  4 Common Scoter.
CLONEA STRAND:  2 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
DUNGARVAN/CLONEA:  4 Brambling along railway track between Barnawee and Clonea road.
WATERFORD CITY:  Several recent reports of a Barn Owl.
Thurs 2 Feb:
CLONEA:  4+ Brambling, among good numbers of other finches, along the old railway track, also 2 Stock Doves.
January 2006
Last updated updated 8 March 2006.
Tues 31 Jan:
DUNGARVAN:  3+ Bramblings along railway track near Barnawee.
Sun 29 Jan:
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  Fresh droppings of Red Grouse found (near Waterford/Tipperary border).
DUNGARVAN town:  Female Brambling.
FIDDOWN/TIBBERAGHNY:  59 Whooper Swans (on Kilkenny side), 4 Little Egrets, 179+ Teal, 40 Redshank & 2 Greenshank.
COOLFIN/DERRIGAL:  70 Greylag Geese & a Little Egret near Derrigal cross, 2 Green Sandpipers & a Kingfisher at Clodiagh bridge.
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  Great Crested Grebe, 4 Whooper Swans & a male Crossbill.
KNOCKADERRY RESERVOIR:  246 Mallard, 4 Shoveler & 36 Tufted Duck.
BALLINLOUGH:  Little Egret.
KILMEADEN POOLS:  2 Shoveler & a Green Sandpiper.
LITTLE ISLAND:  2 Common Sandpipers near the ferry crossing.
Sat 28 Jan:
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  Ruff at Lismore, Green Sandpiper at Ballyduff.
BALLYLEMON, CAPPAGH:  Male & female Blackcap.
DUNGARVAN:  Male Goosander opposite the Mart at Ballyneety.
Fri 27 Jan:
Weds 25 Jan:
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 5 Red-throated Divers, 47 Great Crested Grebes, 1009 pale-bellied Brent Geese, plus an adult dark-belled Brent and adult Black Brant (latter two at pitch & putt course).
CLONEA STRAND:  3 Great Northern Divers, 1 Red-throated Diver, 19 Sanderling, 70 pale-bellied Brent Geese & an adult dark-belled Brent.
Sun 22 Jan:
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Ring-billed Gull & 70 Brent Geese.
Sat 21 Jan:
DUNGARVAN:  Black Brant, male Green-winged Teal & female Pintail off the Sports Centre; Chiffchaff at Knockanpower Lower, Ring.
COOLFIN/DERRIGAL:  Pink-footed Goose & 289 Greylag Geese at Derrigal cross-roads.
PICKARDSTOWN:  Water Rail & c.50 Siskins.
WATERFORD CITY:  Jay at De La Salle College, Newtown.
WATERFORD HARBOUR (CHEEKPOINT TO CREADAN HEAD) (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 36 Great Crested Grebes, 146 Cormorants, 10 Little Egrets , 49 Brent Geese, 50 Shelduck, 93 Wigeon, 2173 Lapwing, 1296 Oystercatcher, 391 Black-tailed Godwit & 34 Sanderling (full details); also 2 Otters swimming off Passage East.
Tues 17 Jan:
Sat 14 Jan:
KILMEADEN POOLS:  2 Water Pipits still present, also 3 Shoveler, 2 Water Rail, Green Sandpiper & 2 Choughs.
KNOCKADERRY RESERVOIR:  Red-necked Grebe, 3 Whooper Swans, 37 Tufted Duck & 38 Pochard.
PICKARDSTOWN (Tramore road):  Wing-tagged Red Kite still present.
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Ring-billed Gull & adult Mediterranean Gull (latter a ringed bird).
PASSAGE EAST:  Adult Glaucous Gull & 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls.
WOODSTOWN:  Adult Iceland Gull & 6+ adult Mediterranean Gulls.
Thurs 12 Jan:
PICKARDSTOWN (Tramore road):  Wing-tagged Red Kite still present - apparently a bird fledged from the reintroduced population in N Scotland in 2005 (details to be confirmed).
BUNMAHON:  2 male Common Scoters.
BALLYVOONEY COVE:  4 female Common Scoters.
Near WATERFORD CITY:  Carrion Crow at Brockton Drive, Blackthorn Hill [Co Kilkenny?], near the golf course.
Weds 11 Jan:
Near DUNGARVAN:  Barn Owl.
Mon 9 Jan:
BLACKWATER & BRIDE RIVERS:  Total count of 493 Whooper Swans (mainly Co Waterford).
Sun 8 Jan:
PICKARDSTOWN (Tramore road):  Red Kite just north of the conifer plantation here - present since Christmas day; bird has two wing-tags (no further details yet).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 11 Little Egrets, 883 Brent Geese, 48 Shelduck, 108 Wigeon, 520 Oystercatchers, c.4000 Golden Plover, 245 Grey Plover, 210 Knot, 48 Sanderling, 697 Dunlin, 105 Snipe, 343 Black-tailed Godwit, 247 Bar-tailed Godwit, 351 Redshank (full details), also an adult Ring-billed Gull at the Boating Lake.
TRAMORE BAY (outer):  10 Red-throated Divers, 1 Great Northern Diver & 22 Common Scoter.
VEE GAP [Co Tipperary]:  Male Hen Harrier & c.30 Crossbills.
Sat 7 Jan:
WATERFORD CITY:  Female Blackcap, Earlscourt, and male Blackcap at Collin's Avenue - also up to 15 Collared Doves in garden there, recently.
Nr TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  6+ Yellowhammers.
ANNESTOWN: Kingfisher.
BALLINARD:  Black Redstart.
HELVICK HEAD:  5 Red-throated Divers.
DUNGARVAN:  Black-throated Diver in the bay; 2 dark-bellied Brent Geese, Black Brant, Pintail & female Goosander by the sports centre; 2 Goosanders & a Kingfisher at Ballyneety; another Kingfisher at the Brickey river; Whimbrel & Chiffchaff at Knockanpower Lower (Ring); also Chiffchaff at Killongford.
Fri 6 Jan:
GILES'S QUAY, nr Waterford city: Little Egret, 2 Greenshank, 2 Turnstone & a Common Sandpiper.
Mon 2 Jan:
HELVICK HEAD:  A Great Skua flew west.
DUNGARVAN:  84 Great Crested Grebes, 5 Red-throated & 2 Great Northern Divers; 3 Chiffchaffs at Knockanpower Lower (Ring).
Sun 1 Jan:
DUNGARVAN:  2 Goosanders (male & female) at Ballyneety, 4 or 5 Bramblings at the dump, a female Shoveler off the sports centre & a Green Sandpiper along the Brickey River at Two Mile bridge.
CLONEA STRAND:  Whimbrel at Ballinclamper.

.click below for larger images

Forster's Tern, 1st-winter, Dungarvan, 19 March 2006 © M. Cowming

Brambling, male, Dungarvan, 18 March 2006 © M. Cowming

Forster's Tern, 1st-winter, Dungarvan, 18 March 2005 © C. Flynn


Red-necked Grebe, adult, Dungarvan, 17 March 2005 © C. Flynn


Red-necked Grebe, Dungarvan, 17 March 2006 © M. Cowming

Siskin, male, Dungarvan, 11 March 2006 © M. Cowming

Crossbill, west Waterford, Feb 2006 © A. Malcolm

Green-winged Teal, male, Dungarvan, 21 Jan 2006 © C. Flynn

Ring-billed Gull, Tramore boating lake, 14 Jan 2006 © C. Flynn


Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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