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Bird records March-April 2007

Waterford bird records March-April 2007 (details subject to verification or correction)

See migrant Lepidoptera page also

April 2007
Mon 30 Apr:
CLONEA STRAND:  25 Whimbrel, c.90 Bar-tailed Godwit, Purple Sandpiper, 8 Knot & 10 Sanderling among other waders, also 18 Sandwich Terns.
Sun 29 Apr:
HELVICK HEAD:  LITTLE AUK (summer plumage) & adult Pomarine Skua west.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Great Skua, 2 adult Pomarine Skuas, 4 Common Scoters, 3 Tufted Ducks & 1110 Manx Shearwaters east in 2 hrs (1125-1325 hrs); also male Blackcap & Willow Warbler.
Sat 28 Apr:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Whitethroat, Willow Warbler & 3 Wheatears; also a Clouded Yellow & Red Admiral.
FENOR BOG:  4 Sedge Warblers singing.
CURRAGHATAGGART LAKE (nr Clonea Power):  Grasshopper Warbler singing.
CLONEA STRAND:  Purple Sandpiper, 32 Whimbrel & 13 Sandwich Terns at Ballinclamper.
Fri 27 Apr:
HELVICK HEAD:  2 Whitethroats.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Silver YDiamond-back Moth (first migrant moths of the year here).
Thurs 26 Apr:
LISMORE/CAPPOQUIN area:  4 Swifts over Lismore town, 8 singing Blackcaps at various locations.
Tues 24 Apr:
CLONEA STRAND:  WRYNECK (5th county record) at Ballinclamper.
Sun 22 Apr:
CLONEA STRAND:  70 Whimbrel, 11 Knot & 16 Sanderling.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Wheatear & 2 Willow Warblers.
Sat 21 Apr:
LISMORE/TALLOW:  5 Yellowhammers, Bridane Upper.
Fri 20 Apr:
WATERFORD CITY:  The first Swifts of the year were seen over the city.
Thurs 19 Apr:
RAM HEAD:  Porpoise & Basking Shark.
Weds 18 Apr:
DUNGARVAN:  Green Sandpiper & 3 Common Sandpipers at Ballyneety.
Sun 15 Apr:
Nr CLONEA POWER:  4 Stock Doves.
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  First Cuckoo of the year, at Knockadav.
Sat 14 Apr:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  3 Blackcaps (male & 2 females), Willow Warbler & 2 Chiffchaffs.
Fri 13 Apr:
WHITING BAY:  17 + Tree Sparrows at the 'regular' farm, and another one nr a farm about 1 km NE.  Also 3 Whimbrel, presumed recently arrived (first of spring), 7 Stock Doves & a Merlin.
Thurs 12 Apr:
DUNGARVAN: 2 Green Sandpipers & a Common Sandpiper, Ballyneety.
Weds 11 Apr:
KILLURE:  House Martin visiting nest at Nursing Home.
DRUM HILLS:  2 Jays, and totals of 2 Blackcaps, 22 Chiffchaffs & 17 Willow Warblers singing, in Toor Cross Roads area. 
Tues 10 Apr:
COMERAGH MOUNTAINS:  Pair of Red Grouse on the Comeragh plateau.
ARDMORE/RAM HEAD:  House Martin.
Mon 9 Apr:
WOODSTOWN:  8 Sand Martins.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Tree Sparrow, male Blackcap & Willow Warbler.
KILBRIDE:  14 Yellowhammers.
Nr RATHGORMUCK:  3 Willow Warblers & 2 Blackcaps singing, 1 Wheatear.
Sun 8 Apr:
Nr WHITING BAY:  16+ Tree Sparrows at a farm.
Nr CAPPAGH:  Willow Warbler.
BALLYLANEEN area:  Dipper (at Aughshemus bridge) & Willow Warbler.
KNOCKEEN:  4 Swallows; also scattered birds around county over Easter weekend.
Sat 7 Apr:
CORRANESKEHA WOOD, nr Tallow: 4 Jays, 5 Yellowhammers & 5 singing Willow Warblers.
TALLOW area:  Female Hen Harrier.
Fri 6 Apr:
RAM HEAD:  Male RED-BACKED SHRIKE (fourth county record) & Great Northern Diver.
Nr LISMORE:  3 singing Blackcaps, Glenribbeen Wood;  2, Fadduaga Wood.
GLENDINE WOOD:  2 singing Blackcaps.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  110-120 Brent Geese still present off Saleen.
Thurs 5 Apr:
RAM HEAD:  Wheatear, 7 Porpoises & 20-30 Common Dolphins.
ARDMORE BAY:  8 Sandwich Terns.
NEWPORT:  2 Jays, also 2 Blackcaps & 8 Chiffchaffs singing.
CARNGLASS WOOD (nr Knockanore):  Jay,  & 9 Chiffchaffs & a single Willow Warbler singing.
Weds 4 Apr:
CLASHMORE:  Buzzard.
Nr PORTLAW:  Buzzard here again, too.
Sun 1 Apr:
Nr LISMORE:  Male Hen Harrier, also a Red Admiral (first report of the year).
Nr CLASHMORE:  2 Sand Martins.
DALLIGAN BRIDGE:  Crossbills just below the bridge.
KNOCKBRACK QUARRY nr Clashmore:  Newts still present  here, but recent mass-dumping of nappies in the main pond!
Nr PORTLAW:  Buzzard.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Willow Warbler (first of year) and Chiffchaff.

March 2007
Last updated 16 April 2007.
Sat 31 March:
ANNESTOWN:  SCANDINAVIAN ROCK PIPIT (subspecies littoralis) & 2 Sand Martins.
CLONEA:  3 Sand Martins.
BALLINARD:  Iceland Gull.
DUNGARVAN:  Wheatear at Ballynacourty.
HELVICK:  3 Iceland Gulls.
CROHAUN:  Male Merlin &  2 Wheatears.
GLENSHELANE, nr Cappoquin: 9 Chiffchaffs & 2 Blackcaps singing, 2 Dippers & a Jay.
Weds 28 March:
DUNGARVAN:  Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 5 Sand Martins & 20 Fieldfares, all at Ballyneety.
Mon 26 March:
MINE HEAD:  23 Choughs at the lighthouse.
GLENCORRIN, nr Ardmore:  An early-flying Small Tortoiseshell butterfly.
Sun 25 March:
Nr AGLISH:  2 Chiffchaffs singing.
HELVICK:  5 Iceland Gulls & 2 Common Scoter.
DUNGARVAN:  Male Green-winged Teal at Killongford.
BALLYDWAN:  Red-throated Diver.
BUNMAHON:  15 Manx Shearwaters feeding offshore & 4 Red-throated Divers.
ANNESTOWN:  4 Red-throated Divers, Great Northern Diver, Great Crested Grebe & 79 Brent Geese. 
Sat 24 March:
DUNGARVAN:  Male Green-winged Teal at Killongford estuary & Green Sandpiper at the Brickey River.
HELVICK:  Iceland Gull & 4-5 Manx Shearwaters, also a dead Bank Vole.
KILFARASSY:  14 Red-throated Divers.
GARRARUS:  8 Red-throated Divers.
TRAMORE BAY:  7 Red-throated & 2 Great Northern Divers; also 50 Sanderling on beach.
BALLYSCANLAN:  2 Chiffchaffs singing.
KILBRIDE:  Chiffchaff.
Thurs 22 March:
Nr DUNGARVAN:  Long-eared Owl.
Sun 18 March: 
Nr WHITING BAY:  25+ Tree Sparrows at same farm as on 10 March.
DUNGARVAN:  Buzzard, 2 Mediterranean Gulls (1st- & 2nd-winter) & high count of 37 Stock Doves, all at Ballyneety.
BALLYVOYLE BRIDGE:  Pair of Dippers nest-building.
ANNESTOWN COVE:  Another pair of Dippers nest-building at bridge here.
BUNMAHON:  3 Sand Martins - first reported of year.
ANNESTOWN:  Swallow.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  24 Little Egrets.
Sat 17 March:
GOAT ISLAND, nr Whiting Bay:  [Tree Sparrows reported here recently, c4 km east of the 'regular' Whiting Bay flock, but no sign of them today or on 26 March.]
BALLINARD:  Glaucous Gull.
CLONEA STRAND:  Wheatear - first reported so far.
ANNESTOWN:  Swallow - first reported so far.
KNOCKADERRY RESERVOIR:  2 Shoveler & 2 Gadwall, also a hybrid Whooper/Mute Swan (same bird as seen here in July 2006).
WOODSTOWN:  8 Little Egrets & 5 Brent Geese.
Fri 16 March:
DROMANA:  Male Long-eared Owl calling.
Sat 10 March:
HELVICK:  4 Iceland Gulls.
Nr WHITING BAY:  50+ Tree Sparrows at farm, grid reference X143782 [not Helvick Head as posted originally] - probably a record count for Co Waterford.  Presumed same flock as at a nearby farm up to 3 March (see below).
Nr LISMORE:  Male Hen Harrier.
EAST WATERFORD:  2 Buzzards south of Waterford city.
Fri 9 March:
EAST WATERFORD:  Buzzard south of Waterford city.
Tues 6 March:
DUNGARVAN:  Male Blackcap daily in a garden here, also a less regular female.
Mon 5 March:
HELVICK:  3 Iceland Gulls.
DUNGARVAN:  Also 3 Iceland Gulls at the Cunnigar.
WATERFORD CITY:  Snow Bunting in garden at St John's Park.
Sat 3 March:
RINCREW (nr Youghal):  1st-winter CASPIAN GULL present again, also 2 2nd-winter Yellow-legged Gulls, 4 Iceland Gulls & a Ring-billed Gull.
Nr WHITING BAY:  14+ Tree Sparrows still present at farm at Springfield Lower (grid reference X139782); also a male Hen Harrier.
ARDMORE:  2 adult Mediterranean Gulls.
HELVICK:  1st-winter Mediterranean Gull & 2 Iceland Gulls.
Thurs 1 March:
KILBRIDE, nr Tramore:  Very high count of 29 Yellowhammers, also 11 Reed Buntings, at young forestry plantation.
BALLINDUD:  3 Little Egrets.

.click below for larger images

Bar-tailed Godwit, summer plumage, Ballinclamper, 30 Apr 2007 © D Clarke

Purple Sandpiper, Ballinclamper, 28 Apr 2007 © D Clarke

Scandinavian Rock Pipit, Annestown, 31 March 2007 © M Cowming



Green-winged Teal, male, Dungarvan, 24 March 2007 © M Cowming

Whooper x Mute Swan hybrid, Knockaderry Reservoir, 17 June 2007 © E Power


Buzzards, east Waterford, 10 March 2007 © E Power

Blackcap, male, Dungarvan, early March 2007 © D Clarke

Siskin, Dungarvan, early March 2007 © D Clarke

Sparrowhawk, Dungarvan town, 6 March 2007 © M Cowming

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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