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Bird records Co Waterford May-June 2007

Waterford bird records May-June 2007 (details subject to verification or correction)
older records - archive

See migrant Lepidoptera page also (highlights below)

June 2007
Sat 30 June:
DUNGARVAN:  HOBBY at Ballynagaul; 5 Common Sandpipers at Ballyneety.
HELVICK HEAD:  5 Storm Petrels.
CLONEA STRAND:  1st-summer Little Gull, 2nd-summer Ring-billed Gull, 1st-summer Mediterranean Gull, Great Skua, 7 Arctic & 2 Pomarine Skuas at Ballinclamper; 16 Pomarine Skuas off Ballyvoyle.
Weds 27 June:
CAMPHIRE (lower Blackwater):  Reed Warbler singing south of Camphire slip, 3 Spotted Flycatchers (2 locations) & Jay nr Camphire bridge.
Sun 24 June:
EAST KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS: 2 Hen Harriers & a Long-eared Owl.
COMERAGH MOUNTAINS:  Pair of Red Grouse west of Laghtnafrankee Mountain.
RAM HEAD:  Lots of Porpoises with very small calves.
Sat 23 June:
CLASHMORE:  Reed Warbler ringed.
CLONEA STRAND:  1st-summer Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Turtle Dove; also a Delicate moth.
Fri 22 June:
LISMORE TOWN:  Hummingbird Hawk-moth.
Sun 17 June:
DROMANA area:  Spotted Flycatcher.
TOWER HILL (nr Portlaw):  Jay & Spotted Flycatcher.
CURRAGHTAGGART LAKE:  5+ Emperor dragonflies.
FENOR BOG:  4 Emperor dragonflies (2 females ovipositing).
Sat 16 June:
NEWPORT (lower Blackwater):  Female/immature Hen Harrier.
HELVICK HEAD:  Arctic Skua.
CLONEA STRAND:  Great Northern Diver.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Delicate moth.
Weds 13 June:
DRUM HILLS:  Jay nr Toor Cross Roads.
Tues 12 June:
EAST CO WATERFORD:  Pair of Buzzards seen; also several recent sightings of single birds from various nearby locations.  [This is in addition to sightings this spring/summer at 3 or 4 other broad areas of the county.] 
TRAMORE TOWN:  Bordered Straw moth.
DRUM HILLS:  Spotted Flycatcher nr Toor Cross Roads.
Mon 11 June:
TRAMORE TOWN:  Striped Hawk-moth.
Sun 10 June:
Nr KILL (c.6 km inland):  2 Choughs.
Sat 9 June:
NEWPORT/BALLYNATRAY area:  11 Yellowhammers (6 singing), 7 Blackcaps singing & 2 Jays; Reed Warbler singing at Newport reedbed.
RAM HEAD:  154 occupied Kittiwake nests at study plots (171+ nests in whole colony), a 13% increase compared with 136 nests in plots in June 2006.
Fri 8 June:
WHITING BAY:  Arctic Skua.
BALLINLOUGH:  Water Rail calling.
Thurs 7 June:
CROUGHAUN HILL (east Comeraghs): Woodcock roding, Long-eared Owl chick calling & Grasshopper Warbler singing.
Nr BALLYLANEEN:  Cuckoo calling.
Weds 6 June:
Tues 5 June:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Arctic Skua; also 17 Diamond-back Moths.
Mon 4 June:
BALLYMACAW COVE:  Male Cuckoo calling.
Sun 3 June:
RAM HEAD:  2 Pomarine Skuas, 7 Fin Whales & a Minke Whale.
Sat 2 June:
CLONEA STRAND:  Little Tern at Ballinclamper.
HELVICK HEAD:  4 Arctic Skuas, 7 Puffins, 2 Storm Petrels, hundreds of Manx Shearwaters, & 2 Spotted Flycatchers.

May 2007
Last updated 31 Oct 2007
Thurs 31 May:
RAM HEAD:  Vey high count of 35 Basking Sharks (evening).
Weds 30 May:
Nr BALLINAKILL (Comeragh Mountains):  4 Spotted Flycatchers.
Tues 29 May:
RAM HEAD:  6 Basking Sharks, 2 Minke Whales, 2 Porpoises & lots of Manx Shearwaters.
KNOCKBRACK QUARRY:  4 Emperor dragonflies.
KNOCKHOUSE/BALLYLOUGH (nr Belle Lake):  Cuckoo.
Sat 26 May:
CLASHMORE BROADS:  Several Water Rails heard.
Weds 23 May:
MONAVULLAGH MOUNTAINS:  Cuckoos in Bleantasour / Knockanniamountain & Kilkeanymountain areas.
Tues 22 May:
Mon 21 May:
VEE area (Waterford side):  Buzzard.
RAM HEAD:  500-1000 Manx Shearwaters but no sign of the Fin Whales.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Sedge Warbler.
Sun 20 May:
RAM HEAD:  8 Fin Whales (in telescope view at same time) & a Pomarine Skua.
GLENSHELANE:  6 Blackcaps singing.
CLASHMORE BROADS:  Spotted Flycatcher.
CROUGHAUN HILL/CLONEA POWER:  Spotted Flycatchers at 3 locations.
BALLYSCANLAN HILLS (Dawn Chorus outing):  Male Cuckoo calling.
Sat 19 May:
CAPPAGH:  Stock Doves, Jay & a Spotted Flycatcher (first of year?).
Fri 11 May:
DUNGARVAN:  19+ Little Egret nests at colony.
Thur 10 May:
CROUGHAUN HILL (east Comeraghs):  2 Cuckoos.
BALLINLOUGH:  Cuckoo & Water Rail.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  90 Whimbrel.
Weds 9 May:
Nr KNOCKMAON BRIDGE (R. Brickey):  3+ male Blackcaps.
Tues 8 May:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  90 Whimbrel.
Mon 7 May:
WHITING BAY:  15 Whimbrel &a Grasshopper Warbler.
TOWER HILL, nr Portlaw:  2 Jays & 4 singing Blackcaps.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  18 Whimbrel.
Sun 6 May:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  135 Whimbrel in fields.
Fri 4 May:
BLACKWATER ESTUARY:  GREAT WHITE EGRET (1st confirmed county record?).
RAM HEAD:  High total of 13 Basking Sharks, also c.200 Manx Shearwaters.
Weds 2 May:
CRUACHAN:  Cuckoo.
Tues 1 May:
KILBRIDE SOUTH:  2 Whitethroats
.click below for larger images

Hobby, Ballynagaul, Dungarvan, 30 June 2007 © M Cowming


Little Gull, 1st-summer, Ballinclamper, 30 June 2007 © M Cowming

Ring-billed Gull, 2nd-summer, Ballinclamper, 30 June 2007 © M Cowming

Mediterranean Gull, 1st-summer, Ballinclamper, 30 June 2007 © M Cowming

Little Gull, 1st-summer, Ballinclamper, 29 June 2007 © D Clarke

Mediterranean Gull, 1st-summer, Ballinclamper, 29 June 2007 © D Clarke

Pomarine Skua, Ballinclamper, 29 June 2007 © D Clarke

Arctic Skua chasing Sandwich Tern, Ballinclamper, 29 June 2007 © D Clarke

Arctic Skua, Ballinclamper, 29 June 2007 © D Clarke

Stock Dove, Ballinclamper, 29 June 2007 © D Clarke

Hen Harriers, eastern Knockmealdowns, 24 June 2007 © D Clarke




Lesser Redpoll, Melleray, 17 June 2007 © D Clarke

Blackbird feeding fledgling, Inchadrisla, Kilgobnet, 17 June 2007 © D Clarke

Delicate, Brownstown Head, 16 June 2007 © PM Walsh

Emperor dragonfly, Knockbrack quarry, 9 June 2007 © L Cahill

Spotted Flycatcher, nr Comeragh Mountains, 30 May 2007 © E Power

Cuckoo, male, Cruachan, 2 May 2007 © D Clarke

Grashopper Warbler, Whiting Bay, 7 May 2007 © D Clarke


Whitethroat, Helvick Head, 7 May 2007 © D Clarke

Whitethroat, Helvick Head, 4 May 2007 © D Clarke

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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