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Bird reports Nov-Dec 2008

Waterford bird records November-December 2008 (details subject to verification or correction)
older records - archive

See migrant Lepidoptera page also (highlights below)

December 2008
Weds 31 Dec:
ANNESTOWN BOG:  CATTLE EGRET between Annestown & Dunhill Castle.
Nr STRADBALLY:  3 CATTLE EGRETS still present at Drumlohan / Carrickbarrahane Cross Roads.
DUNGARVAN:  2 Crossbills (male + female) at Gold Coast gold-course, Black Guillemot off Ballynacourty Pier.
RINCREW (Tourig/Blackwater estuary):  Yellow-legged Gull on Co Waterford side.
BLACKWATER/BRIDE VALLEY:  Hen Harrier east of Tallow, 147 Whooper Swans at Camphire, Woodcock nr Newport Bridge.
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  85 Whooper Swans 2 km east of Ballyduff.
Nr ARAGLIN:  Dipper at Araglin village, Jay & Woodcock at Cahergal Wood, another Jay at Knockleama East.
Tues 30 Dec:
Nr STRADBALLY:  3 CATTLE EGRETS at Drumlohan / Carrickbarrahane Cross Roads.
CLONEA STRAND:  Merlin at Ballinclamper.
Mon 29 Dec:
Nr STRADBALLY:  3 CATTLE EGRETS at Drumlohan / Carrickbarrahane Cross Roads, where up to 10 were seen last winter; with cattle in beet fields.
Sun 28 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  3 Long-tailed Ducks, a Slavonian Grebe & 2 Great Northern Divers off Ballynacourty pier.
Sat 27 Dec:
Nr WHITING BAY:  5 Tree Sparrows near west side of bay.
ARDMORE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
HELVICK HEAD:  2 Common Scoters.
DUNGARVAN:  Whimbrel at Ballynacourty.
CLONEA STRAND/BALLINARD:  Adult dark-bellied Brent Goose at Ballinclamper & Ballinard.
TIBBERAGHNY (south Co Kilkenny):  182 Greylag Geese & 27 Whooper Swans.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  580 Brent Geese & 15 Greenshank, Saleen/Clohernagh.
Fri 26 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  3 Slavonian Grebes between Ballynacourty & the Cunnigar.
CARRICKBEG (Tipperary/Waterford border):  Kingfisher.
Thurs 25 Dec:
TRAMORE:  Black Redstart on rocks at west side of beach.
Tues 23 Dec:
FINISK RIVER:  Dipper & 18 Stock Doves near Kilmolash Bridge.
Mon 22 Dec:
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count):  Totals included 1360 Brent Geese, an adult BLACK BRANT, 31 Great Crested Grebes & 4 Great Northern Divers.
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballyvoyle Cove, 186 Brent Geese.
WATERFORD CITY:  Otter in St John's River at William Street bridge, c10.30 pm.
Sun 21 Dec:
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull and pair of Scaup.
STRADBALLY:  2 Dippers.
Sat 20 Dec:
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Ring-billed Gull and pair of Scaup.
Thurs 18 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  BLACK BRANT at pitch & putt course, 3 Shoveler nearby.
Sun 14 Dec:
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  Adult Ring-billed Gull.
DUNGARVAN:  Adult dark-bellied Brent Goose off the Sports Centre, Blackcap in town.
Sat 13 Dec:
DUNGARVAN TOWN:  Male Blackcap.
Mon 8 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  Female Merlin, Kilmurray.
Sun 7 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  BLACK BRANT at pitch & putt course.
BALLYVOONEY COVE:  Red-throated Diver.
BRISKA WOOD (nr Lemybrien):  Jay.
Sat 6 Dec:
WATERFORD CITY:  Whooper Swan with Mute Swans at mouth of the St John's River.
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  2 Gadwall & 2 Scaup still present.
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  2 Whooper Swans & 7 Gadwall.
Thurs 4 Dec:
TIBBERAGHNY (south Co Kilkenny):  Greylag Goose numbers now up to c150, possibly including some movement from Coolfin/Derrigal further downriver.
Tues 2 Dec:
DUNGARVAN:  BLACK BRANT  at sports complex / pitch & putt course.
WEST WATERFORD:  A high total of 7 Hen Harriers at a nocturnal roost.

November 2008
Last updated 6 March 2009
Sun 30 Nov:
RIVER FINISK:  Kingfisher at Dromana Bridge.
Sat 29 Nov:
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  6 Red Grouse & 6 Woodcock near Ballysaggart.
BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  34 Whooper Swans & 9 Shoveler near Ballyduff, 2 Dippers below Lismore Castle.
BLACKWATER VALLEY:  Otter below Dromana House, 423 Whooper Swans at Camphire, Water Rail at Newport East.
WHITING BAY:  2 Tree Sparrows at west side.
BRICKEY RIVER:  Dipper below Twomile Bridge.
Tues 25 Nov:
CAMPHIRE:  412 Whooper Swans & a Barnacle Goose.
RAM HEAD:  Merlin & 30+ Common Dolphins.
TIBBERAGHNY (south Kilkenny):  c70 Greylag Geese (first of the winter here).
TRAMORE PIER:  55 Choughs.
Sun 23 Nov:
DUNGARVAN:  Dark-bellied Brent Goose at the Christian Brothers School field.
Fri 21 Nov:
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count):  Adult BLACK BRANT near pitch & putt course, Spotted Redshank at Killongford, 3 Great Northern Divers, 21+ Great Crested Grebes & updated total of 1767 Brent Geese (a record count here?).
CLONEA STRAND:  2 Purple Sandpipers at Ballinclamper, 2 Great Northern Divers & 163 Brent Geese.
Sun 16 Nov:
FIDDOWN/TIBBERAGHNY (Co Kilkenny):  CATTLE EGRET (1st Kilkenny record?) with 16 Whooper Swans at Tibberaghny, 7 Little Egrets along river.
COOLFIN/DERRIGAL:  53 Greylag Geese (one with a grey neck-collar) & 13 Whooper Swans near Derrigal Cross, Water Rail along Clodiagh River, & 4 Little Egrets.
CAMPHIRE (Bride/Blackwater):  390 Whooper Swans.
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  2 Scaup & 2 Gadwall still present.
WOODSTOWN:  120-140 Brent Geese.
Sat 15 Nov:
DUNMORE EAST:  3 Purple Sandpipers at the pier.
TRAMORE BOATING LAKE:  2 Scaup (male + female) & 2 female Gadwall.
DUNGARVAN:  2 Crossbills & a Black Guillemot at Ballynacourty, female/imm Eider off Ballynagaul pier.
ARDMORE BAY:  3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 adults & a 2nd-winter) in gull roost with 900 Black-headed, 650 Common, 220 Lesser Black-backed & 20 Herring Gulls; also a Merlin west.
Fri 14 Nov:
VILLIERSTOWN:  Male Brambling near the school.
Weds 12 Nov:
RAM HEAD:  Female/immature Hen Harrier & 2 Fin Whales.
Tues 11 Nov:
DUNGARVAN:  White Wagtail at the Lookout.
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR:  7 Gadwall, 22 Tufted Duck & 2 Whooper Swans.
Mon 10 Nov:
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper.
DUNGARVAN:  2 late Swallows at Abbeyside.
Sun 9 Nov:
CAMPHIRE (Bride/Blackwater):  334 Whoooper Swans.
Sat 8 Nov:
DUNGARVAN:  Juvenile AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER on sandbank at east side of the Cunnigar (2nd county record); also the RUDDY SHELDUCK x SHELDUCK hybrid again.
BALLINARD:  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
HELVICK HEAD:  Merlin, 2 late Manx Shearwaters & 2 Great Skuas.
Nr CAMPHIRE BRIDGE:  2 Buzzards (adult & juvenile) & c300 Whooper Swans.
Weds 8 Nov:
WHITING BAY:  Juvenile Eider & a Common Sandpiper.
Tues 4 Nov:
TIBBERAGHNY / PILTOWN:  c20 Whooper Swans newly arrived.
Sun 2 Nov:
RAM HEAD:  Fin Whale, 30-40 Common Dolphins, Porpoise  & Red-throated Diver.
GARRARUS TO KILFARRASY:  Buzzard, 2 Wheatears & a late Red Admiral; also a Sunfish (still alive) on beach; a late HOBBY at Kilfarrasy beach.
Nr WATERFORD CITY:  Another Buzzard south of the city.
KNOCKADERRY RESERVOIR:  15+ Little Grebes & 2 Goldneye.
BALLYMACAW:  Red Admiral.
RATHMOYLAN:  Female or immature Hen Harrier & 50 Skylarks.
Sat 1 Nov:
CAMPHIRE (R. Bride/Blackwater):  260 Whooper Swans (a big increase from 88 on 25 Oct) & 2 Greylag Geese.
CLASHMORE BROADS:  Common Sandpiper.

.click below for larger images

Yellow-legged Gull (with Lesser Black-backed Gulls), Rincrew, 31 Dec 2008 © D Clarke

Cattle Egret, Drumlohan, 31 Dec 2008 © M Cowming


Crossbill, female, Gold Coast golf-course, 31 Dec 2008 © M Cowming

Cattle Egret, Drumlohan, 29 Dec 2008 © D Clarke

Partially albinistic Oystercatcher, Whiting Bay, 27 Dec 2008 © M. Cowming

Black Redstart, Tramore, 25 Dec 2008 © B Howell

Black Brant, Dungarvan, 7 Dec 2008 © M. Cowming


Chough, Whiting Bay, 7 Dec 2008  © A Trimble


Partial albinistic Oystercatcher, Whiting Bay, 7 Dec 2008

American Golden Plover, with Golden Plover, the Cunnigar, 8 Nov 2008 © M. Cowming


Ruddy Shelduck x Common Shelduck hybrid, the Cunnigar, 8 Nov 2008 © M Cowming

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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