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Bird records 2004

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Selected Waterford bird records 2004
Bird records listed below, mostly relating to scarce migrants, have been submitted to the Irish Bird Report.  Any further records from 2004 or other years would be welcome.  Scroll right to see all fields.  Added 1 Nov 2005.
Species Count Age/sex Location Date Last date Year Comment
Arctic Skua 2 Brownstown Head 8-Aug-2004 2004 flew E
" 1 Brownstown Head 11-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 1 Brownstown Head 12-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 4 Clonea Strand 21-Sep-2004 2004
" 2 Clonea Strand 22-Sep-2004 2004
" 7 Clonea Strand 23-Sep-2004 2004
" 2 Clonea Strand 24-Sep-2004 2004
" 2 Clonea Strand 26-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 2-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 5-Aug-2004 2004 flew W
" 3 Helvick Head 8-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 22-Aug-2004 2004
" 15 Helvick Head 16-Sep-2004 2004
" 12 Helvick Head 17-Sep-2004 2004 6W, 6 off-passage
" 3 Helvick Head 18-Sep-2004 2004
" 5 Helvick Head 19-Sep-2004 2004
" c12 Helvick Head 20-Sep-2004 2004
" 5 Helvick Head 22-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 3-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 24-Oct-2004 2004
Balearic Shearwater 1 Brownstown Head 11-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 1 Helvick Head 12-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
Black Redstart 1 1st-winter Ardmore Head 28-Oct-2004 2004
" 4 Brownstown Head 30-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 31-Oct-2004 2004
" 10 Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 30-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 6-Nov-2004 2004
" 2 Dungarvan: town quay & Ballynagaul pier 19-Dec-2004 2004
" 6+ Helvick Head 28-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 30-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 6-Nov-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 19-Dec-2004 2004
" 1 Mahon Falls, Comeragh Mountains 31-Oct-2004 2004
Black Tern 1 Clonea Strand 2-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Clonea Strand 26-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Helvick Head 3-Oct-2004 2004
Blackcap 1 Ballylemon, Cappagh 26-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
" 2 Ballysudd, R. Blackwater 5-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
" 1 Dungarvan 8-Jan-2004 2004
Black-necked Grebe 1 Dungarvan 18-Feb-2004 28-Feb-2004 2004 including 23 Feb
Black-tailed Godwit 1100+ Dungarvan 22-Sep-2004 2004
" 1030 Dungarvan Bay  18-Sep-2004 2004
*Black-throated Diver 1 Helvick Head 29-Dec-2004 2-Jan-2005 2004
*Bonaparte's Gull 1 adult Dungarvan: Ballyneety 24-Apr-2004 2004
Brambling 2 Ballynacourty Point (Ballinard) 14-Jan-2004 2004
" 1 female Brownstown Head 12-Apr-2004 2004
Brent Goose (Pale-bellied) 31 Tramore Backstrand 15-Sep-2004 2004 early date
Buzzard app. territory different site in east waterford spring 2004 2004
" app. territory east Waterford spring 2004 2004
" 2 east Waterford 1-Jan-2004 2004
" 1 east Waterford 17-Jan-2004 2004
Carrion Crow 1 Dungarvan: "lookout" area 29-Dec-2004 2004
Chiffchaff 1 Ballynacourty Point (Ballinard) 12-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
" 2 Dunmore East 31-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
" 1 Kilmeaden Pools 4-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
" 1 Lismore-Ballyduff 5-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
*Common Redpoll ('"Mealy") 1 1st-yr Brownstown Head 10-Oct-2004 2004 showing characters of this form, trapped & ringed
Common Sandpiper 1 Dungarvan: Barnawee 21-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
" 4 Dungarvan: Barnawee & Ballyneety 19-Dec-2004 2004 winter record; 2 at Barnawee bridge, 2 at Ballyneety
Corncrake 1 juvenile Brownstown Head 25-Oct-2004 2004
Crossbill 7 or 8 Croughaun 12-Dec-2004 2004
Curlew Sandpiper 1 Dungarvan 20-Sep-2004 2004
" 2 Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 5-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 29-Sep-2004 2004
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 13-Oct-2004 15-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 30-Oct-2004 31-Oct-2004 2004 trapped & ringed on 30 Oct
" 1 Helvick Head 28-Oct-2004 2004
Gadwall 5 Ballyshunnock Reservoir 26-Nov-2004 2004
Garden Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 8-Oct-2004 2004
Goosander 1 sex? Dungarvan 6-Jan-2004 2004
" 1 male Dungarvan 18-Feb-2004 2004
" 1 male Dungarvan: Ballyneety 19-Dec-2004 29-Dec-2004 2004
" 3 2 males, 1 female Dungarvan: Ballyneety 21-Dec-2004 2004
" 1 female Dungarvan: Ballyneety 28-Dec-2004 2004
" 1 sex? Dungarvan 30-Dec-2004 2004
Great Shearwater 1 Helvick Head 8-Jul-2004 2004
Great Skua 1 Brownstown Head 22-Aug-2004 2004
" 3 Brownstown Head 12-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 1 Clonea Strand 23-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 8-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 22-Aug-2004 2004 flew W
" 2 Helvick Head 12-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 1 Helvick Head 19-Sep-2004 2004 flew E
" 3 Helvick Head 22-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 3-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 4-Oct-2004 2004
Green Sandpiper 3 Ballyshunnock Reservoir 12-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Coolfin: Clodiagh bridge 4-Dec-2004 28-Dec-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan: Brickey river 18-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan: Brickey river 19-Dec-2004 2004
" 1 Kilmeaden pools 17-Jan-2004 2004
" 1 Kilmeaden pools 28-Aug-2004 2004
" 4 Kilmeaden Pools 6-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Kilmeaden Pools 19-Nov-2004 4-Dec-2004 2004
Green-winged Teal 1 male Coolfin/Portnascully 14-Nov-2004 2004
*Honey Buzzard 1 Ballymacart 15-Sep-2004 2004
Hoopoe 1 Ring, near Dungarvan 6-Apr-2004 2004
Leach's Petrel 3 Helvick Head 16-Sep-2004 2004
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Helvick Head 25-Oct-2004 2004
Little Auk 2 Dungarvan Harbour 24-Oct-2004 2004
" 2 Helvick Head 24-Oct-2004 2004
Little Egret 1 Annestown Bog 28-Mar-2004 2004
" 2 Ballyshunnock Reservoir 25-Jul-2004 2004
" 46 Dungarvan 2-Aug-2004 2004 peak count here
" 3 Fiddown/Tibberoughney 14-Nov-2004 2004
" 2 Fiddown/Tibberoughney 28-Dec-2004 2004
" 3 Knockaderry Reservoir 21-Aug-2004 2004
" 35 Tramore Backstrand 21-Aug-2004 2004 peak count here
Little Gull 1 adult Dungarvan: Ballyneety 4-Jul-2004 2004
" 1 1st-yr Helvick Head 3-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 1st-winter Helvick Head 28-Oct-2004 2004
Little Stint 1 juvenile Clonea Strand 22-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Clonea Strand 26-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Tramore Backstrand 21-Nov-2004 2004 winter record, on I-WeBS count
Long-tailed Duck 1 Bunmahon 20-Nov-2004 29-Dec-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan 5-Nov-2004 21-Dec-2004 2004 including 6/11/2004
Mediterranean Gull 1 adult Ballyvooney Cove 19-Nov-2004 2004
" 3 1st-winter Bunmahon 15-Nov-2004 2004
" 2 adult + 1st-winter Bunmahon 19-Nov-2004 2004
" 1 1st-winter Clonea Strand 5-May-2004 2004 spring peak at this site
" 3 adults Clonea Strand 11-Jul-2004 2004
" 1 1st-summer Clonea Strand 17-Jul-2004 2004
" 2 adult + juv Clonea Strand 18-Jul-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Clonea Strand 31-Jul-2004 2004
" 2 adult + juvenile Clonea Strand 2-Aug-2004 2004
" 4 1 ad, 3 juvs Clonea Strand 14-Aug-2004 2004
" 4 3 juvs, 1 adult Clonea Strand 14-Aug-2004 2004
" 4 3 juvs, 1 2nd-w Clonea Strand 15-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 1st-winter Clonea Strand 26-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 1st-winter Dungarvan: Ballyneety 24-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan: Ballyneety 6-Nov-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Dungarvan: Barnawee bridge 28-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 1st-winter Kilmeaden Pools 4-Dec-2004 2004
" 1 adult Tramore boating lake 4-Jan-2004 2004
Pectoral Sandpiper 1 adult Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 19-Jul-2004 21-Jul-2004 2004 only 2nd county record (first, 2 birds, in 1984)
" 1 juvenile Knockaderry Reservoir 6-Oct-2004 7-Oct-2004 2004
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 8-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 21-Aug-2004 22-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 5-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 7-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 8-Aug-2004 12-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Templemichael, near Ballynatray 22-Sep-2004 2004
Pink-footed Goose 1 Coolfin/Derigal 4-Dec-2004 2004
" 2 Coolfin/Derrigal 20-Dec-2004 29-Dec-2004 2004 including one bird since 4/12/2004; on to 3/03/2005
Pomarine Skua 1 1st-winter Bunmahon 20-Nov-2004 2004 flew E
" 1 juvenile Clonea Strand 23-Sep-2004 2004
" 2 Helvick Head 8-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 3-Oct-2004 2004
*Red-backed Shrike 1 1st-winter Clonea Strand 7-Oct-2004 2004
Redstart 1 Brownstown Head 9-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 30-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 23-Oct-2004 25-Oct-2004 2004
Reed Warbler 3 2 singing males Belle Lake 13-Jun-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Belle Lake 25-Jul-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Belle Lake 1-Aug-2004 2004 trapped & ringed
" 1 juvenile Belle Lake 28-Aug-2004 2004 trapped & ringed
" 3 juveniles Belle Lake 5-Sep-2004 2004 trapped & ringed
" 1 juvenile Brownstown Head 15-Sep-2004 2004 juv trapped & ringed (total 7 juvs ringed July-Sept)
Ring Ouzel 1 Helvick Head 31-Oct-2004 2004
Ring-billed Gull 2 1st-winters Dungarvan 21-Feb-2004 2004
Roseate Tern 7 5+ ads, 1+ juv Brownstown Head 11-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 1 adult Clonea Strand 19-Sep-2004 22-Sep-2004 2004
" 2 Helvick Head 20-Sep-2004 2004
Ruff 2 Ballyshunnock Reservoir 22-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Clonea Strand 22-Sep-2004 26-Sep-2004 2004
" 2 Dungarvan: Ballyneety 14-Aug-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan: Barnawee 21-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 15-Aug-2004 28-Aug-2004 2004
" 2 juveniles Knockaderry Reservoir 6-Oct-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Knockaderry Reservoir 7-Oct-2004 2004
Sabine's Gull 1 adult Clonea Strand 26-Sep-2004 28-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Helvick Head 16-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 juvenile Helvick Head 19-Sep-2004 2004 off-passage, possibly different individual
Sandwich Tern 1 Clonea Strand 14-Mar-2004 2004 early
Short-eared Owl 1 Helvick Head 9-Oct-2004 2004 flew past on seawatch!
Snow Bunting 1 Helvick Head 5-Oct-2004 2004
Sooty Shearwater 3 Brownstown Head 11-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 14 Brownstown Head 12-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 4 Brownstown Head 19-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 1 Helvick Head 22-Aug-2004 2004 flew W
" 3 Helvick Head 12-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 1 Helvick Head 16-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 17-Sep-2004 2004 flew W
" 2 Helvick Head 19-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Helvick Head 20-Sep-2004 2004
*Spoonbill 1 Tramore Backstrand Aug_2004 2004 precise date unknown
Spotted Redshank 2 adults Dungarvan: Barnawee bridge 4-Jul-2004 2004
Surf Scoter 1 sex? Ballyvooney Cove 1-Jan-2004 3-Jan-2004 2004 1 of 2 birds since Dec 2003
" 2 ad male, + female Ballyvooney Cove 6-Jan-2004 14-Mar-2004 2004 including 15/02/2004, 18/02/2004, since Dec 2003
" 1 male Ballyvooney Cove 19-Nov-2004 2004
Tree Sparrow 2 Ballynacourty Point (Ballinard) 13-Nov-2004 18-Nov-2004 2004 including 14/11/2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 11-Apr-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 16-May-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 15-Oct-2004 2004
" 12 Brownstown Head 31-Oct-2004 2004
Turtle Dove 1 Ardmore Head 11-Oct-2004 2004
Unstreaked Acrocephalus 1 Helvick Head 8-May-2004 2004
*Water Pipit 2 Kilmeaden pools 4-Jan-2004 2004
" 1 Kilmeaden pools 17-Jan-2004 20-Feb-2004 2004 since Dec 2003
" 1 Kilmeaden Pools 20-Dec-2004 22-Dec-2004 2004
" 2 Kilmeaden Pools 29-Dec-2004 22-Feb-2005 2004 one to 27/02/2005
Waxwing 4 Abbeyside, Dungarvan 2-Dec-2004 15-Dec-2004 2004
Whimbrel 64 Brownstown Head 6-May-2004 2004 peak here
" 75 Clonea Strand 3-May-2004 2004 peak here
" 1 Clonea Strand 29-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
" 1 Dungarvan: Ballynagaul 21-Dec-2004 2004 winter record
Whinchat 1 Brownstown Head 22-Aug-2004 2004
" 2 Brownstown Head 15-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 19-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Brownstown Head 11-Oct-2004 2004
White Wagtail 5+ Clonea Strand 29-Aug-2004 2004
" 16 Clonea Strand 4-Sep-2004 2004
" 5+ Clonea Strand 12-Sep-2004 2004
" 1 Clonea Strand 15-Sep-2004 2004
" 8 Clonea Strand 22-Sep-2004 2004
" 3 Dungarvan: the Cunnigar 29-Aug-2004 2004
" 2 Knockaderry Reservoir 6-Oct-2004 2004
" 2 Tramore Backstrand 15-Sep-2004 2004
Wood Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 8-May-2004 2004 first county record
Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult Dungarvan: Ballyneety 22-Sep-2004 2004

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