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Bird reports Sept-Oct 2008

Waterford bird records September-October 2008 (details subject to verification or correction)
older records - archive

See migrant Lepidoptera page also (highlights below)

October 2008
Thurs 30 Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  House Martin & 2 Swallows at Abbeyside.
Tues 28 Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  RUDDY SHELDUCK x SHELDUCK hybrid again with Shelduck at the Cunnigar.
Mon 27 Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  Lots of Redwing flying over at night.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  2 Tree Sparrows, 2 Chiffchaffs, 13 Lesser Redpolls & a Siskin.
Sun 26 Oct:
ARDMORE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
MINE HEAD:  Merlin & 3 Fin Whales.
DUNGARVAN:  6 Crossbills flew west over the quay, Merlin at Killongford, 2 Common Sandpipers at Barnawee, 640 Knot & 2 Shoveler off the Youghal road, also 650+ Brent Geese & 34+ Little Egrets around the bay.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Pink-footed Goose with Brent Geese & a 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull, both off Saleen.
Sat 25 Oct:
HELVICK HEAD:  3 Great Skuas flew west.
CAMPHIRE (R. Bride/Blackwater):  88 Whooper Swans.
CAPPOQUIN area:  2 Buzzards.
Thurs 23 Oct:
GLENDOG (nr Ballylemon / Colligan):  Crossbills present recently.
Weds 22 Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  RUDDY SHELDUCK x SHELDUCK hybrid (with Shelduck) at the Cunnigar; also there, an OSPREY (flew west) & a BLACK BRANT , and a Greylag Goose (flew west). 
Mon 20 Oct:
AGLISH:  White Wagtail.
Sat 18 Oct:
CAMPHIRE (Bride/Blackwater):  65 Whooper Swans (also 5 present here almost two weeks ago).
Nr AGLISH:  10 Redwing (first of the winter).
OLD PARISH:  4 Chiffchaffs at Ballyhack.
DUNGARVAN:  27+ Little Egrets at Killongford.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  2 adult Dark-bellied Brent Geese.
TRAMORE BAY:  4 late Sandwich Terns.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Single Great Northern Diver, Merlin & Redwing.
Fri 17 Oct:
RAM HEAD:  2 Humpback Whales & 6+ Fin Whales., which later headed east.
Thurs 16 Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  c100 Swallows near Glaxo Smith Kline.
RAM HEAD:  c20 Common Dolphins & 4-9 Fin Whales.
Mon 13 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler (ringed bird) still present, also an indeterminate Richard's or Tawny Pipit.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  525 Brent Geese, 59 Little Egrets & an adult Mediterranean Gull.
ARDMORE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
WHITING BAY:  25 Choughs.
Nr CLONMEL:  Buzzard.
Sun 12 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler trapped & ringed (6.8 g weight), a male Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaffs, 4 Goldcrests & a Wheatear.
WOODSTOWN STRAND:  66 Brent Geese.
DROMANA:  Kingfisher on River Finisk.
Sat 11 Oct:
BLACKWATER VALLEY:  WHITE-TAILED EAGLE, presumably from introduced Killarney population.
CALISO BAY:  Merlin.
WHITING BAY:  15 Choughs.
RAM HEAD:  Great Skua & a small skua species (probably Long-tailed); also a Risso's Dolphin, 5 Common & 5 Bottlenose Dolphins.
ARDMORE:  Tree Sparrow.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Tree Sparrow, 3 Chiffchaffs, 6 Goldcrests, Siskin & 3 Lesser Redpolls.
Fri 10 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Merlin, Chiffchaff, 4 Goldcrests, also a Common Newt.
Weds 8 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  22 Lesser Redpolls ringed, 48 Magpies roosting in Coolum valley, also 8 Goldcrests & 2 Siskins.
RAM HEAD:  Possible Red-footed Falcon (juvenile).
Tues 7 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Merlin, Reed Warbler & Tree Sparrow, also 3 Chiffchaffs, 10 Goldcrests & a Siskin; and 5 Brent Geese flew west.
Mon 6 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Female or immature COMMON ROSEFINCH (2nd county record), also 2 Chiffchaffs & good numbers of Coal Tits (several groups of 10-15 birds).
Sun 5 Oct:
ANNESTOWN:  2 female/immature Hen Harrier over stubble fields.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Garden Warbler,  2 male Blackcaps, 5 Chiffchaff, 9 Goldcrests & 8 Coal Tits.
RATHMOYLAN COVE:  Female/immature Hen Harrier over stubble fields.
Sat 4 Oct:
ARDMORE:  Adult Mediterranean Gull.
DUNGARVAN:  BLACK BRANT & Curlew Sandpiper at the Cunnigar.
CLONEA STRAND:  3 Curlew Sandpipers.
Fri 3 Oct:
RAM HEAD:  Fin Whale & 150+ Common Dolphins.
Weds 1 Oct:
CLONEA STRAND:  2 Mediterranean Gulls (adult & 1st-winter) at Ballinclamper.

September 2008
Sun 28 Sept:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler ringed (5.9 g weight), male Blackcap, 22+ Goldcrests, 2 Chiffchaffs, 2 Wheatears, 3+ Siskin & 5+ Lesser Redpoll.
CLONEA STRAND:  Adult Ring-billed Gull & 4 Curlew Sandpipers.
Sat 27 Sept:
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS:  Red Grouse at base of Sugarloaf, Merlin nr Sugarloaf, & frequent Wheatears including 3-4 at Knocknagnauv; also Mistle Thrush at Knockmealdown summit & 3 Red Admirals a Knocknagnauv.
HELVICK HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler, female Blackcap, 2 Spotted Flycatchers & good numbers of Chiffchaffs.
CLONEA STRAND:  7 Curlew Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  11+ Chiffchaffs, 23+ Goldcrests & 5+ Lesser Redpoll.
Sun 21 Sept:
DUNGARVAN:  32 Brent Geese off the Cunnigar.
CLONEA STRAND:  Juvenile Little Stint (different one than yesterday) & 3 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Ballinclamper.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler, 6 Chiffchaffs, 4 Goldcrests, Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Wheatears, 3 Tree Sparrows, 7 Lesser Redpolls & a Siskin.
Sat 20 Sept:
ARDMORE:  Juvenile Little Stint on Curragh beach, & 7-8 Mediterranean Gulls.
CLONEA STRAND:  Juvenile Little Stint & 8-9 juv Curlew Sandpipers, Ballinclamper.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Whinchat, Pied Flycatcher, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, 6 Willow Warblers, 5 Chiffchaffs, 8 Goldcrests, a Tree Sparrow & 3 Siskins; also a Convolvulus Hawk-moth caught overnight.
Fri 19 Sept:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Merlin, Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher & 4 Wheatears; migrant moths included a White-speck.
TRAMORE TOWN:  Another White-speck.
Thurs 18 Sept:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  1 MELODIOUS WARBLER still present, also a Pied Flycatcher & 4 Spotted Flycatchers).~
TRAMORE TOWN:  White-speck moth.
RAM HEAD:  2 Minke Whales.
Weds 17 Sept:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  2 Pied Flycatchers & 19 Silver Y moths.
DUNMORE ROAD (nr Waterford City):  Adult Mediterranean Gull and juvenile male Ruff in flooded field behind Beckett's, for past week or more.
CLONEA STRAND:  2 Curlew Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
Tues 16 Sept:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  2 MELODIOUS WARBLERS & 2 Pied Flycatchers - along roadside in front of last few houses.
DUNGARVAN:  A late Swift.~
ARDMORE:  Adult BONAPARTE'S GULL - 3rd county record.
Mon 15 Sept:
HELVICK HEAD:  Male Hen Harrier.
GREAT NEWTOWN HEAD:  Delicate moth & 32 Silver Ys.
Sun 14 Sept:
ARDMORE:  Lesser Whitethroat.
HELVICK HEAD:  Green Sandpiper.
BUNMAHON:  2 Black Terns.~
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Spotted Flycatcher, Chiffchaff & 3 Goldcrests.
Sat 13 Sept:
BLACKWATER VALLEY:  OSPREY still present, Dromana; female Hen Harrier at Newport.
WHITING BAY:  2nd-winter Mediterranean Gull.
ARDMORE:  4 adult  Mediterranean Gulls.
BALLYQUINN (nr Ardmore):  1st-winter  Mediterranean Gull & a Whinchat.
DUNGARVAN:  Curlew Sandpiper at Barnawee, Kingfisher & 2  Mediterranean Gulls (adult & 2nd-winter) at Ballyneety.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Wheatear, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaffs & 4+ Siskins.  Migrant moths included a DARK MOTTLED WILLOW (Spodoptera cilium) - new to Ireland.
RATHMOYLAN COVE:  2 White Wagtails.
Fri 12 Sept:
BLACKWATER VALLEY:  OSPREY still present, also a Merlin and 4 Green Sandpipers.
TRAMORE TOWN:  Migrant moths included the pyralid Uresiphita gilvata.
Thurs 11 Sept:
DUNMORE ROAD (nr Waterford City):  Juvenile male Ruff in flooded field behind Beckett's.
Weds 10 Sept:
HELVICK HEAD:  Red-throated Diver, 9 Sooty Shearwaters, 20+ Storm Petrels & 2 Grey Phalaropes (seawatch 1845-2000 hrs).
Mon 8 & Sun 7 Sept:
BLACKWATER VALLEY:  WHITE-TAILED EAGLE, presumed one of the birds released in Killarney National Park (Co Kerry) but no wing-tag details seen - also recorded in this area earlier in the year (8 April). 
Sun 7 Sept:
RAM HEAD:  2 Storm Petrels & a Great Northern Diver.
CLONEA STRAND:  Juvenile Black Tern (feeding offshore), 2 1st-winter Mediterranean Gulls & good numbers of White Wagtails, Ballinclamper.
BELLE LAKE:  Juvenile Reed Warbler ringed, & 2 Water Rails calling.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Chiffchaff & 3 Willow Warblers.
Weds 3 Sept:
HELVICK HEAD:  Great Skua, 7 Storm Petrels, 2 Common Scoter and a Puffin, also lots of Fulmars but few Manx Shearwaters (1-hr seawatch 1100-1200).
TRAMORE TOWN:  White-speck moth.


.click below for larger images

Yellow-browed Warbler, Brownstown Head, 12 Oct 2008 © PM Walsh


Common Newt, Brownstown Head, 10 Oct 2008 © PM Walsh

Goldfinch, Brownstown Head, 5 Oct 2008 © PM Walsh

Ring-billed Gull, adult, Ballinclamper, 28 Sept 2008 © M Cowming

Yellow-browed Warbler, Brownstown Head, 28 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh


Lesser Redpoll, 1st-winter, Brownstown Head, 28 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

Curlew Sandpiper, juvenile, Ballinclamper, 27 Sept 2008 © M Cowming

Wheatear, Ram Head, 26 Sept 2008 © T Kennedy

Guillemot, adult winter or 1st-winter, Devonshire bridge, Dungarvan, 23 Sept 2008 © B White

Guillemots were also recorded close inshore at Dunmore East on 13 Sept (3-4) and at various Cork estuaries recently - food shortage, or just following sprats inshore?

Curlew Sandpiper, juvenile, Ballinclamper, 21 Sept 2008 © M Cowming

Little Stint, juvenile, Ballinclamper, 21 Sept 2008 © M Cowming


Little Stint, juv , with Ringed Plover, Curragh, Ardmore, 20 Sept 2008 © M Cowming

Convolvulus Hawk-moth, Brownstown Head, 20 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

Coal Tit, Brownstown Head, 20 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

Chiffchaff, Brownstown Head, 20 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

White-speck, Brownstown Head, 19 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

Melodious Warbler, Brownstown Head, 16 Sept 2008 © P Archer


Dark Mottled Willow (Spodoptera cilium), Brownstown Head, 13 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh


Goldcrest, Brownstown Head, 13 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

Long-tailed Tit, Brownstown Head, 13 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

Sandwich Tern, Dunmore East, 13 Sept 2008 © PM Walsh

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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