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Co Waterford bird records Sept-Oct 2007

Waterford bird records September-October 2007 
(details subject to verification or correction)
older records - archive

See migrant Lepidoptera page also (highlights below)

October 2007
late Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  c.20 Curlew Sandpipers at the Cunnigar.
Weds 31 Oct:
ARDMORE HEAD:  Lesser Whitethroat in gardens nr Coast-guard building.
DROMORE HILL, nr Aglish:  6 Redwings flew over.
CAMPHIRE:  70+ (presumed) Whooper Swans.
Tues 30 Oct:
RAM HEAD:  4 Whooper Swans flew east in the afternoon, eventually passing over Mine Head.
AGLISH:  Whooper Swans heard at night (arriving at the Camphire wintering site at Bride/Blackwater confluence?). 
TRAMORE TOWN:  Migrant moths included a Vestal.
Mon 29 Oct:
ARDMORE BAY:  Adult BONAPARTE'S GULL (late afternoon only) & 5 Mediterranean Gulls (4 adults & a 1st-winter); also a Porpoise.
HELVICK HEAD:  Lesser Whitethroat & 3 Blackcaps.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Adult Mediterranean Gull (1st site record), a Swallow & a Fieldfare.
BALLYMACAW:  Hen Harrier, Merlin & Black Redstart.
Sun 28 Oct:
ARDMORE BAY:  Adult BONAPARTE'S GULL (2nd county record), 3 adult Mediterranean Gulls & a Merlin.
BALLYQUIN, nr Ardmore:  Wheatear.
HELVICK HEAD:  4 Blackcaps.
DUNGARVAN:  Mediterranean Gull at Quann's.
BALLINARD:  Wheatear.
KILBRIDE SOUTH, NR tRAMORE:  4 Swallows flew south.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Migrant moths included a Gem & Delicate.
Sat 27 Oct:
ARDMORE:  House Martin.
HELVICK HEAD:  2 Blackcaps.
DUNGARVAN:  Adult Mediterranean Gull at Quann's, Swallow at Ballynacourty.
BALLINARD:  Wheatear.
Thurs 25 Oct:
RAM HEAD:  Small number of Porpoises.
TRAMORE TOWN:  Migrant moths included a Gem.
Weds 24 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Lesser Whitethroat (Coolum valley), Merlin, Woodcock, 5+ Swallows, 6+ Chiffchaffs, female Blackcap, Fieldfare & Redwing; a Great Northern Diver flew east.
RAM HEAD:  Merlin.
Tues 23 Oct:
TRAMORE TOWN:  Migrant moths included 2 Gem & a Scarce Bordered Straw.
Sun 21 Oct:
HELVICK HEAD:  4 Black Redstarts.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Merlin, Black Redstart & Fieldfare.
TRAMORE TOWN:  Migrant moths included a Gem.
Sat 20 Oct:
HACKETSTOWN, nr Mine Head:  Swallow.
DUNGARVAN:  6 Curlew Sandpipers opposite Park Hotel.
CLONEA STRAND:  Short-eared Owl over sea.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Merlin & male Blackcap.
Thurs 18 Oct:
KNOCKADERRY RESERVOIR:  4 Whooper Swans & 2 Shoveler.
mid Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  BLACK BRANT (also seen 10 November).
Sun 14 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler in main garden (apparently same as 7-10 Oct),  male Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaffs, 10 Goldcrests, Swallow & 90+ Siskins.
Sat 13 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Merlin, Wheatear, 10 Redpolls & 2 Siskins.
KILBRIDE SOUTH, nr Tramore:  15-20 Swallows flew south.
Fri 12 Oct:
WHITING BAY:  5 Wheatears and c12 Choughs.
RAM HEAD:  100+ Common Dolphins & 12 Porpoises.
Weds 10 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler still present, also 3 Chiffchaffs, a Fieldfare, 8 Swallows, 3 Siskins, 45 Redpolls (33 ringed) & a Tree Sparrow.
TRAMORE TOWN:  Mihrant moths included Palpita vitrealis & a Delicate.
DUNGARVAN:  Pair of House Martins still feeding chicks in the nest! - a very late breeding record for this or any passerine species.
Tues 9 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler, 155 Skylarks, 2 Chiffchaffs, male Blackcap, 6 Goldcrests, 2 Wheatears, 24 Stonechats, 4 Redpolls & a Yellowhammer; migrant moths included 3 Delicate.
Mon 8 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler.
Sun 7 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Yellow-browed Warbler (in main garden), 3 Chiffchaffs, 14 Redpolls & a Siskin.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  354 Brent Geese, 76 Little Egrets & 41 Sandwich Terns.
Sat 6 Oct:
DUNGARVAN:  3 Curlew Sandpipers & an adult Ruff at Ballyneety.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  35+ Swallows, 3 Wheatears, 5 Goldcrests & 2 Chiffchaffs.
Fri 5 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  15 Redpolls.
Thurs 4 Oct:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Lesser Whitethroat, Merlin, 90+ Meadow Pipits & 2 Wheatears.
ARDMORE HEAD:  39 Red Admirals.

September 2007
Sun 30 Sept:
HELVICK HEAD:  Garden Warbler & 3 Blackcaps.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  2 Blackcaps, 18 Redpolls & 27 Red Admirals.
Sat 29 Sept:
ARDMORE:  2 adult Mediterranean Gulls.
HELVICK HEAD:  Male Blackcap & 12 Siskins.
DUNGARVAN:  Juvenile Ruff at Ballyneety.
Thurs 27 Sept:
Nr LISMORE:  Hen Harrier.
Sun 23 Sept:
DUNGARVAN:  2 Ruffs (adult + juvenile) & a Kingfisher at Ballyneety.
CLONEA STRAND:  Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper (with metal ring) at Ballinclamper.
Sat 22 Sept:
HELVICK HEAD:  Grasshopper Warbler.
DUNGARVAN:  Adult Ruff at Ballyneety.
STONEHOUSE (R. Suir): Kingfisher flew downstream towards Mts Congreve.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  5 Wheatears.
Weds 19 Sept:
CLONEA STRAND:  2 Curlew Sandpipers (one with a metal ring on leg) at Ballinclamper.
HELVICK HEAD:  Yellow Wagtail.
Sun 16 Sept:
HELVICK HEAD:  Spotted Flycatcher.
CLONEA STRAND:  2 Curlew Sandpipers at Ballinclamper.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  72 Little Egrets.
Sat 15 Sept:
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  3 Spotted Flycatchers & a Sedge Warbler.
Weds 12 Sept:
DUNGARVAN:  7 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers & 6 juv Brent Geese (first of the autumn) at the Cunnigar.
Sun 9 Sept:
BELLE LAKE:  Juvenile Reed Warbler ringed.
Sat 8 Sep:
c.8 km SE of RAM HEAD:  Sabine's Gull (adult) & Great Skua.
ARDMORE:  2 Mediterranean Gull.
HELVICK HEAD:  2 Great Skuas.
KILMURRIN COVE:  White Wagtail.
BELLE LAKE:  2+ Water Rails.
Fri 7 Sept:
Off HELVICK HEAD:  2 Great Skuas & a Basking Shark.
RAM HEAD:  Flock of 35-40 Choughs.
Thurs 6 Sept:
CLONEA STRAND:  Curlew Sandpiper at Ballinclamper.
Sun 2 Sept:
HELVICK HEAD:  Spotted Flycatcher.
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  21 Little Egrets at Clohernagh.
BELLE LAKE:  Juvenile Little Gull.
Sat 1 Sept:
CLONEA STRAND:  3 Mediterranean Gulls at Ballinclamper.
BELLE LAKE:  Reed Warbler & Water Rail.

.click below for larger images

Mediterranean Gull, adult, 29 Oct 2007 © M Cowming

Bonaparte's Gull, adult, Ardmore, 28 Oct 2007 © PM Walsh


Bonaparte's Gull, adult, with adult Black-headed Gull, Ardmore, 28 Oct 2007 © T Kennedy

Lesser Whitethroat, Brownstown Head, 24 Oct 2007 © P Archer

Stonechat, female, Ram Head, 24 Oct 2007 © T Kennedy

Merlin, Ram Head, 24 Oct 2007 © T Kennedy

Meadow Pipit, Ram Head, Oct 2007 © T Kennedy

Short-eared Owl, Clonea, 20 Oct 2007 © M Cowming

Siskin, male, Brownstown Head, 14 Oct 2007 © PM Walsh


Redpoll, adult male, Brownstown Head, 10 Oct 2007 © PM Walsh


Garden Warbler, Helvick Head, 30 Sept 2007 © M Cowming

Ruff, juvenile, with Redshank & Black-headed Gulls, Dungarvan, 29 Sept 2007 © M Cowming

Ruff, adult male (winter), Dungarvan, 23 Sept 2007 © C Flynn

Ruff, Dungarvan, 23 Sept 2007 © M Cowming

Curlew Sandpiper, metal-ringed individual, Ballinclamper, 19 Sept 2007 © M Cowming

Curlew Sandpiper, other individual, Ballinclamper, 19 Sept 2007 © M Cowming

Curlew Sandpiper, juvenile, Ballinclamper, 16 Sept 2007 © D Clarke

Spotted Flycatcher, Helvick Head, 16 Sept 2007 © D Clarke

Great Skua, off Helvick Head, 7 Sept 2007 © D Clarke




Choughs (part of flock), Ram Head, 7 Sept 2007 © T Kennedy

Note: Sightings listed here are reports, not necessarily authenticated records.  * = species for which the Irish Rare Birds Committee currently requires substantiating descriptions or photographs.  Records are regularly updated, and older records added or amended where necessary .  Many thanks to observers who provided records above - any further records (current or older) would be appreciated.  
Please email any sightings, or text details of scarcer species to 0861701599; to report sightings of rarities to the national  Birds of Ireland News Service (BINS), phone 01-8307364.

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