'Siberian' Chiffchaff Phylloscopus
(collybita) tristis, Brownstown Head, Co Waterford, 25 March-8 April 2012:
Bird was present near main garden, but silent and not identified, on 25 March. Identified
as 'Siberian' Chiffchaff by Paul Archer on 27 March, when it was in main garden for
most of the day. Seen well by PA & Killian Mullarney, heard calling ("eeph") but voice not recorded. In active moult,
with upper tertials and central tail feathers missing and active moult on body. Sound-recorded (call) by PA on 29 March. Mist-netted
& ringed on 1 April (aged as 1st-summer / 2nd-calendar-year on basis of contrast between retained juvenile and new adult-type
greater coverts).
Mitochondrial cytb sequencing subsequently
confirmed identification as tristis and details were published in British Birds in February 2013:
Collinson J.M., Shannon T., Archer P., Odin N., Riddington R. & Walsh P. 2013.
Genetic analysis of migrant Siberian Chiffchaffs in Britain and Ireland. British Birds 106: 109-113.
Photos by Paul Archer, Killian Mullarney & PM Walsh, video by Micheal Cowming.
Added 28/03/2012, updated 02/04/2012
Sound-file of call (29/03/2012, PA):