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Waterford Birds: 2010 species list

2010 bird species list
Species recorded in Co Waterford during 2010 are listed below, excluding escapees / introductions and possible/probable sightings.  Date of first sighting is date of first record from Recent reports page of website or from www.waterfordbirds.blogspot.com/  (or "00-Jan" for common species known to have been recorded in January but with no specific website reports before April).

194 .... Velvet Scoter ... 31-Dec
193 .... Waxwing ... 12-Dec
192 .... Eider ... 05-Dec
191 .... Pintail ... 27-Nov
190 .... Slavonian Grebe ... 13-Nov
189 .... White-rumped Sandpiper ... 25-Oct
188 .... Scaup ... 25-Oct
187 .... White-fronted Goose ... 17-Oct
186 .... Buff-bellied Pipit ... 17-Oct
185 .... Long-billed Dowitcher ... 09-Oct
184 .... Pied Flycatcher ... 09-Oct
183 .... Wryneck ... 09-Oct
182 .... Sabine's Gull ... 02-Oct
181 .... Grey Phalarope ... 02-Oct
180 .... Blue-winged Teal ... 26-Sep
179 .... Barred Warbler ... 26-Sep
178 .... Pink-footed Goose ... 22-Sep
177 .... Pectoral Sandpiper ... 11-Sep
176 .... Wood Sandpiper ... 08-Sep
175 .... Little Stint ... 06-Sep
174 .... Whinchat ... 05-Sep
173 .... Lesser Whitethroat ... 05-Sep
172 .... Lapland Bunting ... 05-Sep
171 .... Black Tern ... 22-Aug
170 .... Yelkouan[-type] Shearwater ... 14-Aug
169 .... Sooty Shearwater ... 14-Aug
168 .... Spotted Redshank ... 13-Aug
167 .... Ruff ... 07-Aug
166 .... Little Gull ... 01-Aug
165 .... Corncrake ... 01-Aug
164 .... Little Tern ... 27-Jul
163 .... Spoonbill ... 18-Jul
162 .... Balearic Shearwater ... 18-Jul
161 .... Roseate Tern ... 16-Jul
160 .... Long-tailed Skua ... 10-Jul
159 .... Common Tern ... 10-Jul
158 ... Arctic Skua ... 18-Jun
157 .... Iberian Chiffchaff ... 16-Jun
156 .... Hobby ... 30-May
155 .... Red Kite ... 25-May
154 .... Garganey ... 12-May
153 .... Golden Oriole ... 00-May
152 .... Spotted Flycatcher ... 02-May
151 .... Turtle Dove ... 29-Apr
150 .... Garden Warbler ... 28-Apr
149 .... Common Redstart ... 28-Apr
148 .... Short-eared Owl ... 25-Apr
147 .... Arctic Tern ... 24-Apr
146 .... Whitethroat ... 24-Apr
145 .... Sedge Warbler ... 24-Apr
144 .... Swift ... 23-Apr
143 .... Cuckoo ... 20-Apr
142 .... Osprey ... 19-Apr
141 .... Barn Owl ... 10-Apr
140 .... Grasshopper Warbler ... 10-Apr
139 .... Puffin ... 05-Apr
138 .... Pomarine Skua ... 05-Apr
137 .... Great Skua ... 05-Apr
136 .... Water Pipit ... 04-Apr
135 .... House Martin ... 03-Apr
134 .... Willow Warbler ... 02-Apr
133 .... Swallow ... 29-Mar
132 ... Hoopoe ... 24-Mar
131 .... Kestrel ... 24-Mar
130 .... Reed Bunting ... 24-Mar
129 .... Sparrowhawk ... 24-Mar
128 .... Golden Plover ... 18-Mar
127 ... Chiffchaff ... 17-Mar
126 ... Sand Martin ... 17-Mar
125 .... Ring-necked Duck ... 14-Mar
124 .... Ring-billed Gull ... 04-Mar
123 ... Sandwich Tern ... 04-Mar
122 ... Wheatear ... 04-Mar
121 ... Chough ... 28-Feb
120 ... Water Rail ... 28-Feb
119 .... Coot ... 27-Feb
118 .... Little Egret ... 27-Feb
117 .... Wigeon ... 27-Feb
116 .... Common Sandpiper ... 26-Feb
115 .... Little Grebe ... 26-Feb
114 .... Great Crested Grebe ... 21-Feb
113 .... Raven ... 21-Feb
112 ... Canada Goose ... 14-Feb
111 ... Curlew Sandpiper ... 13-Feb
110 .... Goldfinch ... 13-Feb
109 .... Greenfinch ... 13-Feb
108 ... Iceland Gull ... 13-Feb
107 .... Jay ... 13-Feb
106 .... Red Grouse ... 13-Feb
105 .... Yellowhammer ... 13-Feb
104 ... Yellow-legged Gull ... 13-Feb
103 ... Black Guillemot ... 06-Feb
102 .... Ringed Plover ... 06-Feb
101 ... Sanderling ... 06-Feb
100 ... Goldcrest ... 04-Feb
99 ... Siskin ... 04-Feb
98 ... Brambling ... 31-Jan
97 ... Buzzard ... 31-Jan
96 .... Mallard ... 31-Jan
95 .... Mute Swan ... 31-Jan
94 .... Long-tailed Tit ... 29-Jan
93 .... Lesser Black-backed Gull ... 24-Jan
92 ... Smew ... 24-Jan
91 ... Jack Snipe ... 23-Jan
90 .... Green-winged Teal ... 18-Jan
89 ... Crossbill ... 17-Jan
88 .... Hen Harrier ... 17-Jan
87 .... Treecreeper ... 17-Jan
86 .... Woodcock ... 17-Jan
85 ... Greylag Goose ... 16-Jan
84 .... Stock Dove ... 16-Jan
83 .... Teal ... 16-Jan
82 .... Whooper Swan ... 16-Jan
81 .... Woodpigeon ... 16-Jan
80 .... Gadwall ... 10-Jan
79 .... Pochard ... 10-Jan
78 .... Shoveler ... 10-Jan
77 .... Great Northern Diver ... 09-Jan
76 .... Red-breasted Merganser ... 09-Jan
75 .... Tufted Duck ... 09-Jan
74 .... Fieldfare ... 07-Jan
73 .... Snipe ... 07-Jan
72 ... Long-eared Owl ... 04-Jan
71 .... Redwing ... 04-Jan
70 ..... Bar-tailed Godwit ... 03-Jan
69 ..... Black-headed Gull ... 03-Jan
68 ..... Bullfinch ... 03-Jan
67 ... Lesser Redpoll ... 03-Jan
66 ... Mediterranean Gull ... 03-Jan
65 .... Tree Sparrow ... 03-Jan
64 .... Common Scoter ... 02-Jan
63 .... Green Sandpiper ... 02-Jan
62 ... Kingfisher ... 02-Jan
61 .... Purple Sandpiper ... 02-Jan
60 .... Red-throated Diver ... 02-Jan
59 ... Barnacle Goose ... 01-Jan
58 .... Black Redstart ... 01-Jan
57 ... Blackcap ... 01-Jan
56 ... Black-necked Grebe ... 01-Jan
55 .... Brent Goose ... 01-Jan
54 ... Dipper ... 01-Jan
53 .... Merlin ... 01-Jan
52 .... Oystercatcher ... 01-Jan
51 ... Whimbrel ... 01-Jan
50 .... Wren ... 00-Jan
49 .... Turnstone ... 00-Jan
48 .... Stonechat ... 00-Jan
47 .... Starling ... 00-Jan
46 .... Song Thrush ... 00-Jan
45 ... Skylark ... 00-Jan
44 .... Shelduck ... 00-Jan
43 .... Shag ... 00-Jan
42 .... Rook ... 00-Jan
41 .... Rock Pipit ... 00-Jan
40 .... Rock Dove ... 00-Jan
39 .... Robin ... 00-Jan
38 .... Redshank ... 00-Jan
37 .... Razorbill ... 00-Jan
36 .... Pied Wagtail ... 00-Jan
35 .... Pheasant ... 00-Jan
34 .... Peregrine ... 00-Jan
33 .... Moorhen ... 00-Jan
32 .... Mistle Thrush ... 00-Jan
31 .... Meadow Pipit ... 00-Jan
30 .... Magpie ... 00-Jan
29 .... Linnet ... 00-Jan
28 .... Lapwing ... 00-Jan
27 .... Knot ... 00-Jan
26 .... Kittiwake ... 00-Jan
25 .... Jackdaw ... 00-Jan
24 ... House Sparrow ... 00-Jan
23 .... Hooded Crow ... 00-Jan
22 .... Herring Gull ... 00-Jan
21 .... Guillemot ... 00-Jan
20 .... Grey Wagtail ... 00-Jan
19 ... Grey Plover ... 00-Jan
18 .... Grey Heron ... 00-Jan
17 .... Greenshank ... 00-Jan
16 .... Great Tit ... 00-Jan
15 .... Great Black-backed Gull ... 00-Jan
14 .... Goldeneye ... 00-Jan
13 .... Gannet ... 00-Jan
12 .... Fulmar ... 00-Jan
11 .... Dunnock ... 00-Jan
10 .... Dunlin ... 00-Jan
9 .... Curlew ... 00-Jan
8 .... Cormorant ... 00-Jan
7 ..... Common Gull ... 00-Jan
6 ..... Collared Dove ... 00-Jan
5 ..... Coal Tit ... 00-Jan
4 ... Chaffinch ... 00-Jan
3 ..... Blue Tit ... 00-Jan
2 ..... Black-tailed Godwit ... 00-Jan
1 ..... Blackbird ... 00-Jan


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