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Divers: status summaries

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Waterford Birds: species status summaries

Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata

Common winter-visitor and passage-migrant; scarce in summer.


Mainly occurs September-May; occasionally recorded June-August. Widespread along the Waterford coast.  The largest concentrations (over 100 birds on occasion) have occurred in Tramore Bay.  Several inland records.

Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica
Rare, but probably annual, winter-visitor and passage-migrant.
Great Northern Diver Gavia immer
Common winter-visitor and passage-migrant, mainly October-April; occasionally recorded in summer.
Widespread along the Waterford coast. The main concentrations have occurred at Dungarvan Harbour, Clonea Strand and Tramore Bay. Perhaps more frequently recorded than Red-throated Diver, but the largest concentrations have not exceeded about 40 birds. 


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