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New World warblers: status summaries

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Waterford Birds: species status summaries

Northern Parula Parula americana


Vagrant from North America: one record.


2003:      First-year male, trapped and ringed, Brownstown Head, 5 October (third Irish record). Further details


The only previous records were from Co Cork in October 1983 (Firkeel) and September 1989 (Dursey Island).



Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia


Vagrant from North America: one record (the first for Ireland).


1995:      First-year male, Brownstown Head, 11-12 October.


This was quickly followed by a second individual at Kilbaha, Co Clare from 13 October 1995, which was seen by a much larger number of observers. There have been two further records since then – a first-year at Cape Clear Island, Co Cork, 24-30 August 2008 and a first-year at Three Castles, Mizen Head, Co Cork, 26-28 August 2008.



Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica striata 


Vagrant from North America: one record.


1993:      First-year, Brownstown Head, 3 October.


The fifth Irish record of the species, and first of three North American warblers to be recorded at Brownstown Head during 1993-2003.

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