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Published Irish Bird Report / Irish Rare Bird Report records: passerines

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1953-2009 records
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Species Number Location Date Year Comment
Red-eyed Vireo 1 Brownstown Head 17-Oct 1985 [1st county record]
Red-eyed Vireo 1 Mine Head [Hacketstown] 15-24 Oct 1996
Red-eyed Vireo 1 Ardmore Head 30 Sept & 1 Oct 2000
Golden Oriole ad male found dead Dunmore East 04-May 1994 [8th county record]
Golden Oriole female/imm male Brownstown Head 30-Apr 2005
Golden Oriole male nr Whiting Bay 05-May 2005
Red-backed Shrike 1st-yr Brownstown Head 4-8 Oct 1993 1st county record
Red-backed Shrike 1st-winter Clonea Strand 07-Oct 2004
Lesser Grey Shrike 1 Dungarvan 20-24 Sept 1991 [1st county, 3rd Irish record]
Woodchat Shrike adult near Tramore [Westown] 21 & 22 June 1974 1st county record
Woodchat Shrike 1 Clonea 18-Mar 1990
Woodchat Shrike 1 Brownstown Head 20-May 1993
Woodchat Shrike 1st-summer male between Ballydowane& Ballyvooney 21-28 Apr 2009 4th county record
Woodchat Shrike 1 Great Newtown Head 22-Jul 2009
Chough several birds site 15 km inland in the Comeraghs 14-Jun 1986 [inland record]
House Crow adult Dunmore East 03-Nov 1974 to16 Oct 1980; category D2 record (ship-assisted)

Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 25-Oct 1975 [1st county records]
Firecrest 2 Rathmoylan 25-Oct 1975 [1st county records]
Firecrest 2 Brownstown Head 26-Oct 1975
Firecrest 1 Rathmoylan 26-Oct 1975 [also 1, 1 Nov]
Firecrest 2 Ballymacaw 27-Oct 1975
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 4 & 5 Oct 1980
Firecrest 1 Knockaderry reservoir 24-Dec 1980 [winter record]
Firecrest 1 Knockaderry Reservoir 22-Mar 1981 [same as 24 Dec 1980?]
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 31-Oct 1982
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 30 Sept-3 Oct 1987
Firecrest 1, trapped Brownstown Head 14-15 Oct 1988
Firecrest 1 Ardmore 17-Oct 1988
Firecrest 2 Brownstown Head 17-19 Oct 1989 [both trapped & ringed]
Firecrest 1 Helvick Head 19-Oct 1989
Firecrest 1 Helvick Head 12-Oct 1990
Firecrest 1 Ballymacaw 15-Oct 1990
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 15-17 Oct 1990 [trapped & ringed]
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 04-Oct 1994
Firecrest 2 Brownstown Head 09-Oct 1994
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 12-15 Oct 1995
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 13-18 Oct 1995
Firecrest 1 Ballynacourty Point 26-Sep 1996
Firecrest 1 Mine Head [Hacketstown] 17-20 Oct 1996
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 25-Oct 1996
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 2-3 Apr 1999 [trapped & ringed]
Firecrest 1 nr Lemybrien 01-Nov 2003
Firecrest 1 Brownstown Head 15-Nov 2003

Coal Tit recorded Ballymacaw Sept/Oct 1985 "Migration records" [or local birds]
Coal Tit recorded Helvick Head Sept/Oct 1985 "Migration records" [or local birds]
Skylark about 1000 Brownstown Head 25-Oct 1975
Skylark 500 Brownstown Head 01-Nov 1975
Swallow "very heavy build up" Helvick Head 03-Aug 1959 "of migrants"
Swallow 3 Clougherra [Clohernagh] 02-Nov 1974 winter record
Swallow 1 Brownstown Head 29-Nov 1983 winter record
Swallow 2 Dungarvan 25-Nov 1986 November record
Swallow 1 Annestown 29-Nov 1987 winter
Swallow 1 Dungarvan 02-Dec 1995 late date
House Martin 3 Waterford Industrial Estate 12-Nov 1986 [late record]
House Martin 2 Lismore 12-Mar 1993 early date
Red-rumped Swallow juvenile Helvick Head 31-Oct 2009 1st county record
Greenish Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 15-17 Oct 1995 [1st county record]
Greenish Warbler 1st-winter Brownstown Head 3-5 Sep 2006 2nd county record
Pallas's Warbler 1 Helvick Head 25-Oct 1999 1st county record
Pallas's Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 12-13 Nov 2003 trapped

Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Corbally [church] 25-28 [25-26] Sept 1984 [1st county record]
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Ballymacaw 28-Oct 1984
Yellow-browed Warbler 2 Brownstown Head 17-Oct 1985
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Helvick Head 19-Oct 1985
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Helvick Head 06-Oct 1986
Yellow-browed Warbler 2 Brownstown Head 15-Oct 1986
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 29-30 Sept 1987
Yellow-browed Warbler 1, trapped Brownstown Head 05-Oct 1992
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 trapped Brownstown Head 03-Oct 1993
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 11-18 Nov 1995 [4th bird; trapped & ringed]; latest Irish date
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 14-18 Oct 1995 [trapped & ringed]
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 19-Oct 1995 [2nd bird]
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 21-22 Oct 1995 [3rd bird]
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 nr Mine Head [Hacketstown] 24-Oct 1996
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Ardmore Head 1 & 2 Oct 2000
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Ardmore Head 13-Oct 2001
Yellow-browed Warbler 2 Brownstown Head 11-Oct 2002 1 trapped, 12 Oct
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 15-16 Oct 2003
Radde's Warbler 1 Helvick Head 15-Oct 1985 2nd Irish [1st county] record
Radde's Warbler 1 Helvick Head 10-Oct 2009 2nd county record
Western Bonelli's Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 12-18 Sept 1981 [1st county record]
Western Bonelli's Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 31-Oct 2005 photographed
Chiffchaff 3 in song Ballymacaw 17-Mar 1974 "earliest Irish record"
Chiffchaff 1 Dungarvan 25-Jan 1986 [winter records]
Chiffchaff 3 Glendine 28-Dec 1986 [winter records]
Chiffchaff 2 Ballyshunnock Reservoir 29-Nov 1998 winter
Chiffchaff 2 Kilmeaden Pools late Dec 2003 winter
'Eastern' Chiffchaff 1 trapped Ballymacaw 28-Jul 1973 characteristics of Phylloscopus collybita abietinus

Blackcap 1 Dungarvan Dec 1986 [winter records]
Blackcap 2 Waterford city Jan-March 1986 [winter records]
Blackcap 1 Waterford city Dec 1986 [winter records]
Blackcap 2 Co. Waterford Jan/Feb 1988 winter records
Blackcap 1 Co. Waterford Jan/Feb 1989 winter record
Barred Warbler immature Brownstown Head 25-26 Oct 1981 [different bird]
Barred Warbler immature Brownstown Head 10-Oct 1981 [1st county record]
Barred Warbler 1st-winter, trapped Brownstown Head 16-Sep 1989
Barred Warbler 1st-winter Brownstown Head 1-6 Oct 2003
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 27 & 28 Sept 1980 [1st county record]
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 20-Aug 1983
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 15-16 Sept 1984
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Helvick Head 15-Oct 1985
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Ardmore 20-Oct 1985
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Helvick Head 20-Oct 1985
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 29-30 Sept 1987
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 03-Oct 1988
Lesser Whitethroat 2nd bird Brownstown Head 21-Oct 1990 trapped
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 12-21 Oct 1990 trapped
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 12-15 Oct 1991
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 30-Oct 1993
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 03-May 1994 [1st spring record for Waterford]
Lesser Whitethroat 1 trapped Brownstown Head 23-Sep 1994
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Cheekpoint 9 & 11 July 1995 possible breeding
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Brownstown Head 14-21 Oct 1995 [trapped & ringed]
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Helvick Head 26-Sep 1997
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Ardmore Head 03-Oct 2001
Subalpine Warbler male Brownstown Head 04-May 2008 1st county record

Booted Warbler 1st-winter Cunnigar, Dungarvan 26-27 Aug 2006 4th Irish, 1st county, photographed
Icterine Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 20-Aug 1983 [1st county record]
Icterine Warbler 1 Ardmore 13-Sep 1985
Icterine Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 24 Sept-3 Oct 1987
Icterine Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 17-18 Sept 1992
Icterine Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 17-May 1997 [1st spring record for county]
Icterine Warbler 1 Helvick Head 26-Sep 1997
Melodious Warbler 1 Ballymacaw 28-Aug 1974 trapped & ringed [1st county record]
Melodious Warbler 1 Ballymacaw 25-Apr 1976 trapped; 1st April record in Ireland
Melodious Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 30-Aug 1981
Melodious Warbler 1 Rathmoylan 06-Sep 1981
Melodious Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 30-Aug 1985
Melodious Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 20-Apr 1996 3rd spring, earliest Irish record by 5 days
Melodious Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 06-Oct 2002 to 12 Oct
Melodious Warbler 2 Brownstown Head 16-18 Sep 2008 photographed

Reed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 15-Oct 1986
Reed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 2-10 Oct 1988
Reed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 26-Aug 1990
Reed Warbler 1 Rathmoylan 29-Aug 1991
Reed Warbler 1, trapped Brownstown Head 15-Sep 1991
Reed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 1-2 Oct 1993
Reed Warbler total of 8 trapped Belle Lake betw 30 July & 19 Aug 1995
Reed Warbler total of 3 birds Brownstown Head betw 13 & 22 Oct 1995
Reed Warbler 3 1st-yrs ringed Belle Lake 18-Aug 1996
Reed Warbler 2 1st-yrs ringed Belle Lake 30-Aug 1996
Reed Warbler 1st-yr ringed Belle Lake 07-Sep 1996
Reed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 15-Sep 1996
Reed Warbler 1st-yr ringed Brownstown Head 22-Sep 1996
Reed Warbler 1 Helvick Head 25-Oct 1996
Reed Warbler 1st-yr ringed Brownstown Head 26-Oct 1996
Reed Warbler 3 Belle Lake 27-Jul 1997
Reed Warbler 3 juvs trapped Belle Lake 9-10 Aug 1997
Reed Warbler juvenile Brownstown Head 11-Aug 1997
Reed Warbler juvenile Brownstown Head 23-Aug 1997
Reed Warbler 7 juvs trapped Belle Lake 29 July-30 Aug 1998
Reed Warbler juv ringed Brownstown Head 26-Sep 1999
Reed Warbler 1 pr confirmed breeding Belle Lake 30-Jul 2000 [1st confirmed breeding for county; pr ringed; food + alarm-calls]
Reed Warbler juv ringed Belle Lake 27-Aug 2000
Reed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 30-Sep 2001
Reed Warbler 1 trapped Brownstown Head 03-Oct 2001 [same as 30 Sept]
Reed Warbler 1 Helvick Head 05-Oct 2001
Reed Warbler 1 Brownstown Head 10-Oct 2002
'unstreaked' Acrocephalus 1 Brownstown Head 13-Sep 1981 [1st county record; probably Reed W]

Waxwing 3 Lisduggan Lodge, Waterford c. 13 Jan 1957 part of "1957-58 incursion"
Waxwing 20 Drumcannon [nr Tramore] 04-Feb 1996
Waxwing 8 Dungarvan 4-12 Feb 1996
Waxwing 25 Tramore [town] 4-18 Feb 1996
Waxwing 2 Dungarvan 21-Jan 2001
Rose-coloured Starling juvenile Brownstown Head 09-Oct 2006
Ring Ouzel breeding? Comeragh Mountains 1964 "circumstantial evidence of breeding"
Ring Ouzel 1 Mahon Falls, Comeragh Mountains 15-Apr 1993
Ring Ouzel 1 [male] Brownstown Head 10-Oct 2002 to 12 Oct
Ring Ouzel female Brownstown Head 21-Apr 2003
Ring Ouzel possibly bred square S20 1968-72 breeding atlas
Ring Ouzel probably bred square S21 1968-72 breeding atlas
Ring Ouzel possibly bred square S30 1968-72 breeding atlas
Ring Ouzel probably bred square S31 1968-72 breeding atlas
Bluethroat 1st-winter female Brownstown Head 22-Oct 2006 1st for county
Bluethroat 1st-summer [between] Saleen [&] Brownstown Head 21-22 Apr 2008 photographed, 3rd April record

Black Redstart ad male Helvick Head 28-Dec 1960
Black Redstart 1 Dunmore East 24-Oct 1975
Black Redstart 2 Ballymacaw 26-Oct 1975
Black Redstart 6 Brownstown Head 26-Oct 1975
Black Redstart 6 Ballymacaw 27-Oct 1975
Black Redstart 2 Dunmore East 03-Nov 1975
Black Redstart 1 Dunmore East to 30 Nov 1975
Black Redstart 1 Waterford Industrial Estate 9-25 Nov 1976
Black Redstart 1 to 3 Waterford city 17 Oct-24 Nov 1977
Black Redstart 4 Ballymacaw 29-Oct 1977
Black Redstart 1 Ballyshunnock 01-Nov 1977
Black Redstart 4 Helvick Head 01-Nov 1980 records of >2 birds
Black Redstart up to 2 adults Clonea 19 Jan-8 Feb 1986
Black Redstart 1 Helvick Head 03-May 1986
Black Redstart 1 Helvick Head 29-Nov 1986
Black Redstart 2 Clonea 31-Dec 1986
Black Redstart 3 Co. Waterford Jan 1987
Black Redstart 1 Co. Waterford Apr 1987
Black Redstart 5 Co. Waterford Oct 1987
Black Redstart 1 Co. Waterford Nov 1987
Black Redstart 1 Co. Waterford Dec 1987
Black Redstart 1 Waterford city 09-Apr 1992
Black Redstart up to 2 Tramore [pier] Nov/Dec 1992
Black Redstart 6 [+] Helvick Head 23-Oct 1996
Black Redstart 12 [approx] Brownstown Head 25-Oct 1996
Black Redstart 1 Brownstown Head 07-Mar 1997
Black Redstart 1 Ballynagaul, Dungarvan 10-Jan 1999
Black Redstart 2 Clonea Point 28-Feb 1999
Black Redstart 1 Helvick Head 23-Oct 1999
Black Redstart 1 Clonea Strand 26-Jan 2002
Black Redstart 3 Helvick Head 22-Oct 2002
Black Redstart 2 Brownstown Head 23-Oct 2002
Black Redstart 2 Dungarvan Dec 2002
Black Redstart 1 Ring [Old Parish/Ring] early-Oct 2002

Redstart 1 Brownstown Head 1-3 Oct 1986
Redstart 2 Brownstown Head 21-Sep 1996
Redstart 1 female/imm Helvick Head 25-Oct 1996 [not adult female as published]
Redstart 1 Brownstown Head 25-Apr 1999
Redstart 2 Helvick Head 25-Apr 1999
Wheatear 1 Ballymacaw cliffs, near Dunmore East 23-Dec 1970 winter; "for at least 3 hours"
Red-breasted Flycatcher 1st-winter Helvick Head 13-Oct 1996 1st [accepted] county record; [also 14-15 Oct]
Red-breasted Flycatcher 1st-winter Brownstown Head 08-Oct 2005 photographed [trapped & ringed]
Pied Flycatcher recorded Brownstown Head autumn 1985
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 30 Sept-4 Oct 1987
Pied Flycatcher 1 Helvick Head 20-May 1989
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 27-Sep 1989
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 20-May 1990
Pied Flycatcher 1 Ballymacaw 15-Oct 1990
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 30-31 Aug 1996
Pied Flycatcher 2 Brownstown Head 21-22 Sept 1996
Pied Flycatcher 1 Helvick Head 22-Sep 1996
Pied Flycatcher 3 Ballynacourty Point 26-Sep 1996
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 11-Aug 1997
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 25-Aug 1997
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 21-Sep 1997
Pied Flycatcher 1 Helvick Head 21-Sep 1997
Pied Flycatcher 1 Ardmore Head 26-Sep 1997
Pied Flycatcher 1 Helvick Head 26-Sep 1997
Pied Flycatcher 1 Brownstown Head 25-Apr 1999
Pied Flycatcher 1 Helvick Head 25-Apr 1999
Pied Flycatcher 2 [nr] Mine Head [Hacketstown] 26-Aug 1999
Pied Flycatcher 2 Helvick Head 26-Aug 1999
Pied Flycatcher 1 Ballynacourty Point 26-Sep 2001
Pied Flycatcher 1 Helvick Head 06-Oct 2001
Pied Flycatcher 2 Helvick Head 21-Sep 2002
Pied Flycatcher 1 nr Lemybrien late Apr/ear May 2003

Tree Sparrow breeding station Brownstown Head 1964
Tree Sparrow 3+ prs Ardmore-Ram Head area (ruins) 1966 "at least three pairs in ruins"
Tree Sparrow 6 nr Clonea 05-Feb 1990
Tree Sparrow 10 Brownstown Head 01-Sep 1990
Tree Sparrow small flock Brownstown Head 1992
Yellow Wagtail recorded Co. Waterford 1990
Yellow Wagtail 1st-yr male Brownstown Head 21-Sep 1996 [trapped & ringed]
Citrine Wagtail 1st-winter Dungarvan 26-29 Sep 2009 1st county record
White Wagtail 25[+] Clonea Strand 07-Sep 2002 high count
Richard's Pipit 1 Whiting Bay 25-26 Oct 1983 [1st county record]
Tawny Pipit 1 Brownstown Head 27-Apr 2008 photographed
Tree Pipit 1 Brownstown Head 31-Aug 1981 [1st county record]
Tree Pipit 1 Brownstown Head 03-Aug 1987
Tree Pipit 2 Brownstown Head 27-Aug 1991
Tree Pipit 1st-yr trapped Brownstown Head 01-Sep 1991
Tree Pipit 1 Brownstown Head 27-Sep 1997 [trapped & ringed]
Tree Pipit   Helvick Head 01-May 1999
Tree Pipit 1 The Cunnigar, Dungarvan 11-May 1999
Scandinavian' Rock Pipit 1 Annestown 22-Mar 2006 photographed
Scandinavian' Rock Pipit 1 Annestown 31-Mar 2007 photographed
Scandinavian' Rock Pipit up to 2 Ballinclamper, Clonea Strand 21-30 Mar 2008 photographed
Scandinavian' Rock Pipit 2 Ballinclamper, Clonea Strand 13-Apr 2009

Water Pipit 1 Kilmeaden Pools 20 Dec to 2005 2004 to 18 Mar 2005
Water Pipit 2 Kilmeaden Pools 4 Dec to 2006 2005 2 to 15 Mar 2006, 1 to 21 Mar), photographed
Water Pipit 1 Kilmeaden Pools 27 Dec to 2005 2004 to 27 Mar 2005, 2nd individual
Water Pipit 1 Ballinclamper, Clonea Strand 25 Jan-2 Feb 2008 photographed
Brambling 16 Ballymacaw 14-Feb 1976
Brambling 25 Waterford Industrial Estate 16-Feb 1976
Brambling [1] Brownstown Head [17 Oct] 1985
Brambling 43+ Tramore Feb & March 1994 high counts
Siskin absent Dungarvan district 1956 "absence .., noticed for more than a year"
Common Crossbill 50 Ardmore 29-Jul 1972
Common Crossbill 2 ads & 2 juvs Carrickaventry 07-May 1982 [nr Carrickavrantry reservoir]
Common Crossbill 3 Ballyscanlan 15 March-20 July 1986
Common Crossbill 4 Crohaun 30-Jun 1986
Common Crossbill 2 Co. Waterford May 1987
Common Crossbill 7 Comeragh Mountains 25-Mar 1991
Common Crossbill 22 Dungarvan 27-Dec 1991
Common Crossbill 2 Dunhill 29-Dec 1991
Common Crossbill 20 Dungarvan 04-Jan 1992
Common Rosefinch 1st-yr Brownstown Head 11-Oct 1992 [1st county record]
Common Rosefinch female/immature Brownstown Head 06-Oct 2008
Bullfinch c.400 trapped Agricultural Institute Research apple farm 1966 "had to be trapped and destroyed"
Hawfinch 1 Brownstown Head 15-Oct 2005
Lapland Bunting 2 Dunmore East from 17 Dec 1975 into 1976; [1st county record]
Lapland Bunting 2 Dunmore East to 8 Jan 1976 from Dec 1975
Lapland Bunting 5 Brownstown Head 18-Oct 1993
Lapland Bunting up to 6 Brownstown Head from 24 Dec 1993 to 1 Jan 1994
Lapland Bunting 1 Brownstown Head 27-Sep 1998
Northern Parula 1st-winter male Brownstown Head 05-Oct 2003 trapped, 3rd Irish record
Yellow Warbler 1st-winter male Brownstown Head 11-12 Oct 1995 1st Irish record
Blackpoll Warbler juvenile Brownstown Head 03-Oct 1993 1st county, 5th Irish record


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