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Published records

Published records of Waterford birds
These pages are intended to list records or other specific mentions of Waterford birds from the standard ornithological texts covering the birds of Ireland.  More sources will be added over time.  Updated 17 Dec 2011.
Irish Bird Report Irish Rare Bird Report, 1953-2009

Ussher & Warren (1900): The Birds of Ireland
full text (Waterford County Council website)

Thompson (1849-1856): The Natural History of Ireland
Full text available online via Google Book Search:
vol. 1 (birds - "Raptores & Insessores")
vol. 2 (birds - "Rasores & Grallatores")
vol. 3 (birds - "Natatores")
vol. 4 (mammals, reptiles, fish, invertebrates)

Watters (1853): The Natural History of the Birds of Ireland


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